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How to Keep Writing When You\’re Not Feeling Creative

Creativity is something that we all naturally possess, but it can be difficult to find the motivation to write something when you don’t feel inspired. This article will offer some tips on how to keep writing no matter what, even when you don’t feel creative. It will focus mainly on authors, but the advice can be applied to anyone who wants to write something.

Create A Routine

Many writers find that having a routine helps them get the most of their creative process. It can be helpful to set aside some time every day to write, whether it’s for 30 minutes or an hour. If you have a specific writing place that you feel comfortable with, then creating a routine there can help promote feeling creative. Many people prefer to write at home, so they can work quietly without feeling intimidated by any office surroundings. A routine can also be helpful in determining how you want to organize your writing schedule, as there are usually only so many hours in a day. When you have a routine, it’s easy to know when you’ll be able to write, and it can eliminate any worries about not having enough time.

Get Inspired

Sometimes we just need a little push to get us thinking creatively, and sometimes that push comes from unexpected places. For example, the idea for my young adult novel FLAWless came to me while I was watching the 2017 Oscars, and it was actually the acting that got me thinking. One of the best scenes from the movie was when Sam Elliott plays a retired Marine who goes to California to help restore a house. In this scene, Elliott walks away from the camera, and for a moment, we see nothing but empty wall. As you may have guessed, this was the inspiration for FLAWless, and I had to write the scene down immediately so I wouldn’t forget it. When you get inspired by something like that, it can be hard to not write immediately after you come up with the idea, so try to take note of these little flashes of inspiration wherever you go. They can come from anywhere, so it’s worth keeping your eyes open for creativity-boosting objects or scenes wherever you go, rather than just relying on your usual environment to inspire you.

Be Brave

Sometimes when we don’t feel creative, we can be discouraged about not being able to come up with an idea for a story. As a writer, that’s a charge you have to face every day, and sometimes it can feel like a burden. Everyone needs a break now and then, and sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. Fortunately for us, being able to rely on our friends for inspiration is one of the best things about being a writer. When you’re feeling discouraged about not being able to create something original on your own, it can help to remember that you have friends who can. There are so many different stories out there, and there will always be someone who can help you find the inspiration you need to continue writing.

Keep Going

The key to never quitting is to always keep going. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the motivation to write, especially when we don’t feel creative, but that’s totally normal. The important thing is to keep going, even when you don’t feel like it. You’ll eventually find that you can’t stop, and once you’ve started, it’s hard to put down. Once you’ve entered that creative phase, it’s like finding your true calling. As much as you might want to stop at this point, the urge to write just keeps getting stronger and stronger, and before you know it, you’ve written an entire novel, or at least the first draft of one.

Being able to write is a talent that we all naturally possess, but it can be difficult to find the motivation to write something when we don’t feel inspired. However, there are things we can do to encourage our creative side and keep writing, even when we don’t feel like it. Establishing a routine, getting inspired by unexpected places, and keeping going are all essential to becoming a better writer, regardless of your experience level. With a little bit of effort and some creativity, everyone can become a better writer, even if they don’t feel like it at the moment.