You have worked hard for this promotion, and now that it is here you want to make sure that everyone knows how grateful you are for having been chosen to fill this role. You may have even taken a few days off work to travel to the headquarters to meet with the CEO. Now that you have been promoted, you want to send a personal message to everyone in the company that took the time to help you get the job done – even those that did not get along with you. You want to let them know what an awesome person you are and how much you appreciate them helping you out.
Leaving a job is never easy, especially if you have worked hard to get to the point where you can say goodbye to your coworkers and head off to a new opportunity. You want to write a thank you card to each person that has helped you along the way, whether it was a mentor, a coach, a teacher, or a past employer. This will not only mean a lot to those that you thank, but it will also remind you of all the great experiences that you had while working at this company. It is always nice to have a little token of appreciation for all the hard work and for being there for you when you needed someone. You may not need their help again, but you never know – maybe they could be a useful contact for you in the future. You could even give them a call to see what is going on in their life – maybe they could use some help with a job search too!
The following will teach you how to write a thank you card when leaving a job. Follow these steps and you will have a beautiful message to leave your coworkers and above all, your manager that helped you get this far.
The first thing you want to do is personalize the card. This is a great way to show that this is a special thanks you card and not just another boring corporate thank you card. You can put a personal touch on it by including something special about the recipient that will make them feel like they have received a truly special card. For example, you could write a paragraph about how much your newfound independence is changing your life for the better, and how much you look forward to seeing them in the near future. You could also write a funny note about how funny it was to work with someone who was so annoying but turns out to be your best friend now that you are no longer under their supervision. This will make them laugh, and it is always nice to make someone smile or laugh when you are thanking them.
The next step is to match the fonts, colors, and styles of the card. It is always nice to match the recipient’s personality and existing card collection. If it is somebody who is very formal, you could go for a classic serif font such as Arial or Helvetica. For women who love a feminine touch, you could go for a cursive font such as Calligraph or Script. If the person likes cartoons or funny quotes, go for a font that has a cartoon face such as Comic Sans, or a funny quote such as Fisher-Price. Choose a matching color scheme too if you are using a colored card – something that represents your inner child perhaps, or the innocence of childhood.
The next step is to make the card look like it was handmade by you. This is where your artistic skills shine through. You can add a little bit of the personality or style of the person you are thanking by including something special in the design of the card. You can make it a simple design with just your name or you can go the extra mile and make it a picture of yourself sitting at your desk with the person’s name written above it in a beautiful cursive font. Make sure to practice handwriting so that your signature looks like it was written by you. You can also practice spelling some of the words that you will use later on in your card. For example, if you are thanking your college English teacher, you might want to practice spelling teacher, encourage, and appreciate. All of these words mean the same thing, but it is always nice to know how to spell them correctly.
The last step is to make the card as funny as possible. This is where your wit and dry humor come in handy. The person you are thanking will probably not take you seriously if you write something that is not even remotely funny – especially if you are thanking them for their help in getting you where you are today. You want to find the funny bone in your brain and make them howl with laughter. It is always nice to see people laugh, especially when you are trying to be serious. The more you can make them laugh, the better – even if it is at yourself, the better!
Once you have written your note, sign it and send it off immediately. You do not want to wait until the last minute to send it, otherwise, it will appear as if you do not care enough to remember to thank them. The sooner the better too because it means you have been thinking about them and what they did for you, which is important to show. If you have been thinking about them and how great they were to help you on your way to the top, then it is only natural that you would want to show them how much you appreciate what they did for you. This could include mentioning some of their qualities that you appreciate, or it could just mean that you are glad to see them succeed in their endeavors. Whatever it may be, it will make them feel appreciated and it is always nice to make someone feel good about themselves.
Writing a thank you card is never easy, but it is always nice to send one to those that helped you get to where you are today. This will not only make them feel special but it will also remind you of all the great times you had while working together. It is always a pleasure to work with someone who is appreciative and thankful, and you may not need their help again, but it never hurts to have someone remember your name when you need it.