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How to Write – How to Get Paid an Advance – How to Get Paid an Advance

Writing can be a lucrative career option for those who have the talent and the tenacity to make it happen. However, for those who are just starting out, it can be quite the intimidating prospect. An aspiring author may feel that they are not held back by the traditional qualifications that accompany the profession, as there are quite a few routes that they can take to become successful. Below, we will discuss three of the most popular methods to gain experience as a writer:


Ghostwriting is the practice of assigning professional writing services to writers who lack the skill or the time to complete a piece of work themselves. It is a somewhat common practice among journalists who may be too busy to conduct extensive research or spend several hours crafting an original story. Professional authors may take on ghostwriting projects for a fee, which can be quite high. Sometimes the rates may even reach six figures, making it a lucrative option for those who can complete a piece in a short amount of time. When selecting a ghostwriter, the author should look for someone who is both talented and has extensive experience in the field, as this will ensure that the final product meets both their expectations and the requirements of the project. Ghostwriting can also be a great way for an author to secure some free samples of the work that they can use to establish their name and gain experience in the industry. If a project appeals to you and you think that you have the talent to do it justice, then by all means consider ghostwriting as a potential source of income.


Like ghostwriting, freelancing is another option that can be lucrative, particularly for those who have experience in the field. When seeking out freelance work, the author should look for projects that they can complete in a timely manner and that will serve as valuable learning experiences. Since the rates may be higher for these projects, the author should approach them with caution, weighing the advantages and disadvantages before accepting a contract. The freelance option can also be quite flexible, allowing the author to choose their own hours and the order in which they complete projects, which can increase the overall satisfaction level. If you are looking for flexibility and a professional opinion on your work, then by all means consider freelancing as a viable option.

Part-time Work

Part-time work is when an individual works a fixed schedule of hours and then has the liberty to pursue other activities, often including writing, during non-working hours. The advantage of part-time work is that it can sometimes be a quick and easy way for an author to establish their name and obtain some initial experience as a writer. As with any other type of work, the author should approach this form of employment with caution, seeking out opportunities that they feel will be of benefit to them in the long term. A potential pitfall to look out for is that these are usually shorter-lived projects than the ones described above, meaning that there is less opportunity for the author to establish themselves as a professional in the field. Nevertheless, this can sometimes be a stepping stone toward longer-term contracts and more substantial earnings. Overall, part-time work can be quite beneficial to an aspiring author, allowing them to diversify their income and gain experience in a professional capacity.

Above we discussed three viable options for an author to write and make money. As with any other job, there are a number of ways in which an author can improve their chances of becoming financially secure. One of the best things that an author can do for themselves is to establish a professional website. The more that an author can do to establish their expertise, the more likely they will be to secure lucrative contracts and part-time employment. By taking the time to learn how to write a business plan, for example, they can begin to monetize the value of their knowledge and experience, as prospective employers will often value an author’s business acumen over their creative writing skills. In the end, creativity and imagination can be the most valuable assets that any author can posses, allowing them to write their story and allowing their work to speak for itself. The internet makes this level of self-expression more accessible to anyone than ever before, meaning that authors can reach a massive audience and make a significant impact on those who read their work. Ultimately, the more that an author can do to make themselves available to prospective employers, the greater their chances of becoming financially secure. Even if an author never ends up doing any of the work that they have published, the experiences can still be invaluable, allowing them to grow as writers and establish themselves as leaders in their industry.