What would you say if I told you there was a way to get your dream job, without having to worry about a thing?
You’d probably say “no chance” or “not in a million years”, right?
But there is, and it’s called The MATCH System. The MATCH System is a qualification and recruitment process that helps you figure out what skills you need to have to get hired for your dream job. The MATCH System is the creation of James E. Dickson, who created it after years of searching for the right fit.
In this article, you’re going to learn about what makes the MATCH System unique, and how you can get started today to start applying for jobs that fit your skills.
Why The MATCH System?
The MATCH System was created with the unique combination of rigorous scientific methodology and advanced technology. From the very beginning, Mr. Dickson wanted to develop a process that was logical, and if you think about it, human brains are pretty incredible. He wanted to create a platform where professionals could go to find the right fit for their skillsets, rather than having to sift through endless possibilities of jobs and careers. So he created the MATCH System and brought in Dr. Amanda Baelish to run it.
How Does The MATCH System Work?
The MATCH System is a step-by-step process that gets you ready to search for your dream job. So let’s take a look.
First, you need to figure out what your skills are. If you’re not sure, it’s okay; that’s what the MATCH System is there for. Next, identify what jobs you’re qualified for based on those skills. Those jobs that you’re qualified for based on your skills are called “keywords”. For example, let’s say you’re a graphic designer, and you want to become an environmental lawyer. Your skills in graphic design would qualify you to search for environmental law jobs. Now, with your skills in graphic design, you need to narrow your search to find the right fit. Let’s say you search for “graphic design” and “environmental lawyer”. That’s a logical step in the right direction. Now you have a list of jobs that match your skills. Those are your “keywords”.
Now let’s look at the next step of the process. Once you have your keywords, you need to find a way to narrow them even more. Dr. Baelish and Mr. Dickson suggest setting a “budget” for your search. If you’re looking for a specific job and you have a budget, you may not get the best results if you search for “99 cents” salaries because there are a lot of jobs out there that pay less than that. It’s a good idea to set a budget for your search, so you can find the right fit for your skills. A good rule of thumb would be to set your budget at about $30,000 per year. (Yes, per year.) Now, once you have your budget in mind, you may want to set an “inquiry date”. This is the date you’re going to start your search. You may want to set it for the future. (January 1st, 2021 would be a great start.) So now, whenever someone clicks on a job that interests them, they will be taken to your inquiry date, and it will start the ball rolling on the recruitment process.
How Is The MATCH System Better Than Other Recruitment Processes?
Well, for one thing, it doesn’t require you to guess at what kind of work environment you want. With The MATCH System, you’re going to learn more about what you’re qualified for based on your skills, rather than what you might like to do. It’s also going to give you a clearer picture of what kind of work environment you want, based on your skills. (Hint: it has a lot to do with the fit.)
Another good thing about The MATCH System is that it requires you to think critically. When you go through the process, you will have to examine your skills and determine what jobs you’re qualified for and what jobs you’re not. It’s good practice for your mind, and it will make you a better decision-maker in the future.
The MATCH System Helps You Find The Right Fit
Now, some of you may be wondering, “Okay, great. So I’m figuring out what my skills are and I’m setting my budget. That’s a great start to finding the right fit. But what happens now?”
The MATCH System is a continuous process. Every time you log in, you can see how your search is going, and you can make changes to it as needed. (For example, if you decide you’re not qualified for a particular job you found, you can change your search to exclude that particular field. (Or you can add it back in, if you change your mind.)) So you can see the different stages of your search, and you can track your progress. (If you’re curious, you can find out how much money you’ve spent so far on your search.)
Mr. Dickson and Dr. Baelish also offer support throughout the process. So if you get stuck at any point, you can contact them for help. They’re available to provide guidance and advice, and they can help you find your way to the next step.
So, what are you waiting for? Get started today! The MATCH System is going to help you get your dream job.