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Why Writing Is Important for a Job

If you’re reading this, I assume you’re either a writer or working in a field that heavily relies on writing – probably both. If you don’t write, there’s a good chance you’ll end up editing something someone else wrote, or you’ll be too busy performing other administrative tasks to sit down and create something original. Editing is an important part of any story, but it’s not the same as creating something from scratch. That is what makes writing such a valuable skill in today’s world. It is estimated that 45% of today’s workforce could be considered “non-creative.” Essentially, that means they’re employed in a field that doesn’t require them to come up with new ideas or concepts. Think about that the next time you’re tempted to skip writing a business email or an employee handbook. There will always be someone else willing to do it for you, but it won’t be the same. You won’t be able to give your best effort if you don’t take the time to write something original.

It Gives You A New Perspective

As a writer, you can look at situations and scenarios from a fresh perspective. When you write about something you know a lot about, it can feel like déjà vu all over again. You’ve written about it, or at least you’ve heard about it. When you write something that is genuinely new to you, it forces you to reevaluate your approach and see things from a different angle. That alone can make a valuable contribution to your job.

It Boosts Your Confidence

There is a reason why many successful people credit their creative writing skills with helping them get where they are. It’s not just because writing is a relatively easy way to procrastinate; it’s because writing gives you a measure of confidence that you didn’t have before. When you’re under a lot of pressure at work, writing something even if it’s just for your own benefit can give you a boost of confidence. If you’ve never felt comfortable sharing your thoughts with the world, writing something down can help you to overcome your anxiety. Why? Because you’re not sure what will happen when you do give it a go. You might end up with something that’s perfect, or you might end up with something awful that no one will ever see. But, at least you’ll have tried.

It Builds Trust

When you write something, you have to go through a proofreading stage; this is where another set of eyes comes in to ensure everything is correct. While you’re busy doing that, you’re also providing the reader with some entertainment and information. If they like what they read, they’ll likely be glad to learn more about the topic or to see how well you handled the subject matter. This sort of mutual exchange of value is often called “trust building.” In an office context, this can be particularly valuable. If you have multiple stakeholders, be it internal or external, having a common language and a shared vision can increase the likelihood of everyone getting along. The more you write, the more you prove yourself to be reliable and trustworthy, and the more you’ll gain their respect. If they don’t already trust you, showing them how well you perform under pressure might just earn them over time.

It Is A Great Way To Discover New Ideas

Have you ever had an idea for a story that you just knew would make for a great piece? Maybe you’ve pitched a few and been turned down; maybe you’ve never even had one. When that happens, it’s easy to let your ideas stagnate and not do anything with them. If you want to be a writer, you’ve got to change that. Stagnant ideas can quickly become clichés or even worse – old clichés can become outdated. Putting your thoughts on paper can offer you a fresh perspective that will make your ideas much more interesting. When that happens, you’ll likely be surprised by what surfaces. Maybe you’ll end up with a story that will go on to change how people think about the issue you’ve written about. It’s always exciting when that happens. It can boost your confidence greatly to know that you’ve explored a topic and can see it from a variety of angles, but it also makes you a better writer. The more you write, the more you learn.

It Helps You Develop Your Voice

Writing is often seen as rather easy; everyone can do it, right? While it’s true that anyone can put their thoughts to paper (more or less), how you write matters. There is much more than one way to write – not just one way – but many more. Each of these ways is valuable, so you must find which one works best for you. Once you’ve found that, you’ll be able to contribute something very unique to your job. Your voice will shine through in all your writing, whether you’re writing an article or a book. In the end, that is the most important thing.