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Why Learn Writing Skills?

If you’re new to the world of blogging, then you’re in for a treat. Blogging is a fantastic way to learn new skills and make some money along the way. However, it’s not as easy as it seems, and not everyone will be able to make a living from blogging. That’s why it’s important to understand what makes a successful blogger, and what you can do to become one.

We’ll dive into each part of this equation to help you determine if blogging is right for you. Let’s get started.

The Basics

Blogging is the process of publishing content onto the web in an effort to gain attention and hopefully, make a profit. To do this, you’ll need to have a WordPress account, and you’ll need to have a blog platform set up in advance. This consists of a web host (such as Bluehost) and a WordPress install (you can install this onto your own hosting or use their pre-installed version which is always the best choice).

From here, you can begin setting up your blog with a personalized URL and branding. You’ll also need to decide on a niche (a subject or area of interest that you’ll focus on writing about), and then begin creating content for the blog. If you’re completely new to blogging, then it’s a good idea to pick a niche that you’re passionate about and have some experience in. For example, if you have a background in medicine, you might want to create a blog around medical topics such as health and wellness or nutrition. Or if you love to cook, you could create a blog around recipe development or finding new ways to use everyday ingredients. Your niche doesn’t necessarily need to be directly related to your skillset as a writer, but it should match the topics you’re most passionate about.

The Mechanics

Once you have a basic understanding of what blogging is and why you’d want to do it, it’s time to move onto the nitty-gritty. From a technical point of view, having a blog means you’ll be using a platform-specific CMS (Content Management System) to manage the content and structure of your blog. The most popular ones are WordPress and Joomla! (you’ll find more information below).

A content management system acts as a publishing platform, and it provides you with all the necessary tools to build and manage your blog. This includes creating posts, pages, and albums; styling the layout and content of your blog; and offering you the opportunity to connect with other bloggers and experts through blogging platforms and social media channels (such as Twitter and Facebook).

The decision to use a particular CMS is largely dependent on your experience, familiarity, and comfort level with the program. WordPress is the most popular CMS available, with over 80% of all blogs on the web being powered by this platform. It’s a great choice for those who are new to blogging due to its intuitive user interface and extensive online support available in the form of WordPress forums, chat rooms, and blog-specific communities (like

Joomla! was originally developed as a fork of WordPress (hence the name ‘Joomla!’), and it still offers many of the same features as WordPress does (including built-in blogging capabilities). However, one of the main differences between the two is that Joomla! was designed to be more suitable for large-scale websites and corporate environments. This means that it’s a good choice for businesses and other organizations who want to build a website but don’t necessarily need something as flexible and customizable as WordPress.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that no matter which content management system you choose, the important thing is that you find one that’s easy enough for you to use and understand. This will largely depend on your experience and familiarity with computers and the internet. If you’re new to either one of these things, then take your time learning how to use the platform effectively and safely. If your content is going to be mostly informational and not very creative, then a text-based blog might be the best option for you.

What Do I Need To Know To Be A Successful Blogger?

Before we move on, it’s important to establish what you’ll need to succeed as a blogger. More specifically, there are seven key skills you’ll need to develop to be able to make a living from blogging. If you’re serious about turning your hobby into a business, then you might want to consider investing in some learning tools or finding a mentor.

The first and most fundamental skill you’ll need to develop is the ability to write. That’s not necessarily difficult, as anyone can sit down and put words onto a page. The issue is that not everyone can write well enough to become a successful blogger. If you want to make money from blogging, then you’ll need to develop the skill of writing engaging content that draws in readers and encourages them to engage with you on your blog. To achieve this, you could consider purchasing a copy of John Grisham’s The Firm. Or for those who prefer reading material, James Patterson’s The President Is Missing and Agatha Christie’s The Man in the Brown Suit are both fantastic choices. There’s also the option to write and publish a book based on your blog. However, this isn’t something you should rush into, as it can take a lot of time to get published.

The second skill you’ll need to develop is the ability to conduct research. This is important for any writer, but it’s even more crucial for a blogger, as you’ll be expected to constantly be doing research on a range of topics for your blog. To ensure that your research is both relevant and up to date, you could consider setting up a schedule to research one or two topics per week, investing in a lap top or a tablet to be able to access the internet quickly, and creating a bibliography of articles and books you’ve used to gather your research. An easy way to find relevant information quickly is to use a tool like Wolfram Alpha, which basically does the research for you, so you can focus on expanding your knowledge base.

The third skill you’ll need to develop is the ability to create infographics. An infographic is a visual representation of information that is both interesting and easy to understand. They’re often used to explain complex issues in an easy-to-follow manner, and bloggers use them to great effect. The issue is that not everyone can create an interesting infographic, and even if you can, creating one from scratch can take a lot of time and work. Instead, you could consider using an existing infographic as a starting point and adding additional information to it or changing the visual appearance to fit your needs. Think of popular infographics such as those produced by Mashable and the New York Times. Not only do they provide information in an interesting and easy-to-follow manner, but they also use images and illustrations to help complete the information presented.

The fourth skill you’ll need to develop is the ability to design. If you’re looking to succeed as a blogger, then you’ll need to consider developing the skill of design. That doesn’t mean you have to be a professional designer, but it does mean you need to be able to identify colours, shapes, and patterns that work well together. Moreover, you’ll need to be able to apply the same principles to your designs that you use in your writing. One of the best guides to design is Canva’s Blogger Design Handbook. It offers an overview of all the key elements you’ll need to know and offers a range of templates and graphics to get you started.

The fifth skill you’ll need to develop is the ability to analyze data. This is one of the most important skills you’ll need to develop if you plan to succeed as a blogger. Since your blog is going to be used to publish information and data, you’ll need to have the skill of analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. The most popular sources to analyze data are Google Analytics and Hootsuite. Google Analytics is a fantastic tool that provides you with lots of information about your blog including the number of visitors coming from different countries, the platforms they’re using, and the devices they’re using (such as mobile phones or tablets). Hootsuite is similar, but it focuses more on social media rather than just websites, so it can be a little more complicated to set up. Once you have these tools set up, you can begin to make more informed decisions about your blog and where you should focus your efforts. The more you know, the better you can position yourself for success.