When you think about going to university, the first thing that probably comes to mind is probably not creative writing. After all, you’ll soon be free from the shackles of education, and you’ll be able to write what you want, when you want and how you want. So, it might be easy to believe that creative writing is not a’real’ degree, it’s just for amateurs, or people who want to be writers for their favourite TV show. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As it turns out, creative writing is one of the most in-demand degrees out there, and for very good reason.
In-Demand Degree
As countries around the world continue to shift towards more of a digital society, people are becoming more and more interested in how to use language creatively and how to communicate through novels, stories and poems. As a result, a number of universities, including many in the UK, have begun to offer degrees solely focused on creative writing. It’s a very exclusive degree to have, and one that you’ll be extremely happy to graduate from.
Diverse Career
In addition to being an in-demand degree, creative writing also has the unique distinction of being one of the few degrees that can lead to almost any career. You’ll be able to study the degree part-time while working, and many of the jobs that you’ll be able to get will require little to no previous work experience. The only downside is that, due to the increasing demand for graduates in this field, it can be hard to get a job without having experience (though this is slowly changing).
Even though you may not think of creative writing as a ‘practical’ degree, it still carries with it the same prestige as a medical or law degree. After all, it takes a lot of talent to be able to churn out novels and verse that are both clever and original. If you’re looking for a highly professional career, this may be the one to go for.
If you’re looking for freedom, there are probably a number of other degrees that you should be considering. However, if you do decide to go for this degree, you’ll not only be able to call yourself an author, but you’ll also be able to say that you have a terminal degree in creative writing. This will open up a lot of doors for you, not least of which is the freedom to write what you want, when you want and how you want. As long as you can convince a publisher to take a chance on you, being a creative writer is the perfect ‘career’ for someone who wants to write, but doesn’t want to commit to a specific career.
Even though this may not mean much to you now, but having a degree in creative writing can truly be a challenge to your mind. In order to succeed, you’ll need to be able to take on a lot of writing, both for your own use and for your studies. Additionally, you’ll also need to be able to critically analyse different styles of writing, as well as be able to develop your own unique writing voice. If you want to become a successful creative writer, then this degree will certainly help.
The Industry
Aside from the increasing job opportunities that this degree provides, it also provides you with an insight into the industry which otherwise you may not have had. Through working with some of the world’s best authors, both living and dead, as well as getting the opportunity to study under some of the greatest teachers in the industry, you’ll be able to develop the skills which can get you ahead in the business. If you do decide to go for this degree, then you’re definitely making the right choice.
The Rewards
Besides all of these advantages, what’s also great about this degree is the fact that it provides you with a chance to reap the rewards. Thanks to the advancement of technology, the world of publishing has changed completely. Back in the day, if you were lucky enough to get your work published you’d probably be able to make some decent money off it. These days, you may not only be able to make money off your work, but you may even be able to get paid to write! The opportunities are endless, and with the right attitude, you may never run out of inspiration for your next novel, story or poem.
So, as you can see, there are a lot of benefits to having a degree in Creative Writing. If you’re thinking about going to university, then this might be the one for you.