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Why Does Writing Help You Learn?

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. You have finished reading a book, listened to an audiobook, or watched a movie and you are struggling to remember certain details, scenes, or what exactly happened in the story. Whether it is because you’ve just finished a complex novel or a murder mystery, or you need help remembering what happened in the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter series, writing down your thoughts as they come flooding into your head is a quick and easy way to learn anything. It doesn’t matter if you are recalling events from history, current events, or simply need to process a new idea or concept, writing helps you learn as you go.

Taking Notes Helps

Taking notes is an essential part of studying and learning anything. You are used to writing down important details and events as they happen, so why not use the same method to study? Whether you are studying for an upcoming exam, looking for some new inspiration for a paper, or simply want to know more about a particular topic, writing down your thoughts as you learn is the best strategy for ensuring you really understand everything.

Easily Available

We’ve all been there. One minute you are happily engrossed in your book, movie, or podcast and the next thing you know, it is two o’clock in the morning and you haven’t written a word. This usually happens to me when I am studying for college exams or just general homework. With technology making it so easy to stay connected online, there are countless ways for us to get distracted and fall behind on our studies. Sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to sit down and study when there is so much else going on in your life. To combat this, I try to schedule times when I will simply dedicate myself to learning. Two hours before my next class starts, for example, is usually when I buckle down and study because I know I won’t be distracted by other things (i.e. homework, social media, etc.). I find that studying in this way keeps my motivation up and allows me to get more done in less time than if I had just gone with the flow and tried to study while doing other things. Sometimes it is easier said than done, and I realize that not everyone will be able to follow this kind of routine, but it’s a good option for those who can.

To Think Or Not To Think

One of the most daunting tasks when studying is trying to remember everything that you have learnt. How many times have you found yourself struggling to remember an important fact or detail, only to realize that you have forgotten something crucial? The most effective way to combat this is by writing everything down as soon as you learn it. When you return to your notes, you will find that your memory has not betrayed you and you will be able to refer back to what you wrote without having to struggle to remember. This is why I always recommend that students write down what they learn as soon as they learn it. It helps you remember a lot more than if you had just kept it in your head. The more you write, the more you will be able to recall when needed. For example, if you had just listened to an audiobook, it’s a good idea to write down some short notes about it. After you’ve listened to the book a few times, you will be able to remember key points much more easily than if you had just listened to it once. You can also highlight or make notes in the text as you listen so you have something to refer back to when needed.

Revisiting What You Have Learnt

If you are studying for an exam and realize that you have forgotten something, it can be quite frustrating to have to go back and review all of the material once more. This is why writing everything down as soon as you learn it is such an effective way to remember, as you can always go back and review what you wrote. If you are struggling with something, you can always come back to what you had written and either reread it or highlight key points to refresh your memory. It can also be helpful to create a mind map with all of the important information you have discovered. This will actually help you retain the information better because it will be organized and easy to find when needed. Mind maps are quite useful because they can be used for a wide range of purposes. They can be used to brainstorm ideas, make lists, and even color code particular information based on some pre-determined criteria. They can also be used to keep track of all the information you need to remember. In the end, writing everything down as soon as you learn it is the best way to ensure you retain all of the information and are able to use it when needed. It also means you will never be at risk of suffering from information overload!

There are many reasons why writing down what you learn is helpful, and hopefully, this post has helped you see why more people prefer to do this rather than simply memorize the facts. If this sounds like a useful strategy for you, be sure to try it out!