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Home ยป Why Do We Write? – A Short Introduction to Literary Creative Writing

Why Do We Write? – A Short Introduction to Literary Creative Writing

Good writers write because they have something to say. Great writers write because they have something to say and they know how to say it in a way that will be meaningful to others. However, this does not mean that all writers’ are good. Some people simply write for the sake of writing. They may not have any good ideas or interesting things to say, but they like to sit down at the computer every evening and bang out some words. Although this may be an interesting creative hobby, it is probably not the best way to make a living.

There are many different reasons why people write. Some people write to explore the world through words and give voice to their thoughts. Others write to express their feelings and concerns about certain subjects. Yet others want to create fictional characters and worlds and tell stories. There is no right or wrong reason as there is for every other profession and hobby. It’s just that some people choose to write and some people choose not to write. If you feel that writing is what you were born to do, then go for it! Just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons.

The Fun Of Writing

One of the exciting things about writing is that it can be quite fun. When you write a novel, you can have a lot of fun experimenting with different story lines and characters. You can also have fun coming up with funny and interesting stories that you know will entertain your audience. Many writers find that writing is a lot of fun and can be very cathartic. It can be a great way to understand yourself better and discover emotions and feelings that you did not know you had. Many people enjoy the process of writing and are thankful for the creative outlet that it provides.


Another important thing about writing is that it can be a lot of fun, but it can also be very inspirational. When you are writing, you are essentially engaging with your audience, presenting them with an opportunity to be inspired by your words. This can be quite an empowering experience for the writer, allowing them to feel that their words can help others and that they have something valuable to say. Some people feel that writing can be quite therapeutic, helping them overcome their troubles by writing about them and allowing them to become more confident in expressing themselves through words. There are various benefits to writing, both for the writer and for those who read or listen to what they have to say.

The Call To Creative Writing

What is creative writing? Most people think of a creative writing class in university or college where they are taught how to write creatively. However, creative writing can be found all around us. In fact, it can be considered a special form of writing that can only be found in the form of prose. Creative writing is often considered a tool used by journalists, novelists, and playwrights to explore and describe the characters and events within their stories. Creative writing can also be found in the form of advertising, blog posts, movie and television scripts, and more. Essentially, any form of creative writing that is not found in the form of poetry can be considered “prose.”

Even if you never intend on doing anything with your writing beyond simply entertaining your friends with a funny story or thoughtful analysis of current events, you are still practicing creative writing. Every time you sit down to write, you are engaging with your audience and presenting them with an opportunity to be entertained or enlightened by your words. This is all part of your creative writing practice and you are still improving as a writer even if you never intend on submitting your work for publication or getting paid for it. There is no better way to learn how to write than by simply getting out of your head and onto your page!

As with most hobbies and pastimes, there are always those who do it for the wrong reasons and those who do it for the right reasons. Some people might make a living solely off their writings but that would not be the case for most. It is just that some people choose to write and some people choose not to write. If you feel that writing is what you were born to do, then go for it! Just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons.

Why do we write? There are many answers to this question, but perhaps the most important one is that we write because we can. We write because it is something that brings us joy and makes us happy. We write because we have a story to tell and the way we tell it brings joy to us. We write because it is what we were born to do. However, as with most things in life, there are always those who do it for the wrong reasons and those who do it for the right reasons. Some people might choose to write for the money, fame, or status that comes with it. But that would not be the case for most. It is just that some people choose to write and some people choose not to write. If you feel that writing is what you were born to do, then go for it! Just make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons.