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Why Did More People Start Copywriting Than Patenting?

While there were some key differences between the pre-internet and internet eras, nothing quite characterized them like the way we market products and services changed. Prior to the internet, marketing typically entailed getting people to come to your physical location and physically examining, using, and then testing out the product yourself. Offline marketing was considered essential, even for online companies, as it was considered the best way to connect with potential customers and create a personal connection.

In the pre-internet era, marketers would create personas and use them to examine consumer behavior. They would examine offline/digital behaviors separately, because that is how the marketing industry had traditionally “applied” behaviorism (the science of people behavior).

Take Direct Response Marketing (DRM), for example. Direct Response Marketing is an advertising method where you directly contact a person once they have signed up for your email list, usually with the goal of selling them something. DRM was first used, in one way or the other, in the 20s. You would set up mailings and text message campaigns, which used to be sent to people’s phones, to get them to visit your physical location so you could up-sale something else.

The rise of behavioral economics and online A/B testing resulted in a total paradigm shift. Suddenly, digital marketing became the key to generating leads and growth.

For decades, many businesses saw marketing as a necessary evil, something they needed to do but didn’t enjoy. In the 1990s, however, marketing transformed into a lifestyle and a passion for many.

The growth of content marketing, sponsored posts, and email marketing meant marketers could enjoy the work they did, and it started to be considered a good thing.

Email marketing, in particular, was attractive to marketers because it is simple to set up, easy to track, and offers tons of reach and customization. As a result, over the past two decades, marketing has become a more fun, productive, and profitable place to be.

Why Should You Consider A Career In Copywriting?

If you are interested in a career in copywriting, you should keep in mind that the field is competitive and hiring is limited. Additionally, copywriting is considered a niche industry, which means there are fewer job opportunities available compared to other, more established career paths. However, given the right circumstances, you can end up working for some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. If you can land a large enough contract, you can eventually set yourself up for life.

The best way to find out if copywriting is the right fit for you is to examine the various job responsibilities and requirements. Keep in mind:

  • The more you know, the better you can perform your job
  • The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know
  • and the more you realize you need to learn
  • It is never easy to find a job you are happy with.
  • But if you keep an open mind and are willing to learn, you can usually find a job that suits your skills.
  • There are many opportunities in the field. If you can become an expert in a particular area, you can always find work as a copywriter.
  • A lot of people consider marketing to be synonymous with advertising. While advertising is one of the primary vehicles through which consumers encounter your product, marketing is the activity that eventually causes people to buy your product. A good copywriter can put the “fun” back into marketing and help ensure your product is marketed in the most effective and profitable way. Consider the following:
    • What is your product?
    • Who is your product for?
    • How will your product be used?
    • How will you get people to use your product?
    • What is your marketing strategy?
    • Who is your target audience?
    • What platforms do you use to reach your audience?
    • What type of content do you create?
    • What are your unique selling points?
  • The fact that there are fewer job opportunities in copywriting compared to other industries means there is a higher demand for skillful copywriters. Additionally, highly skilled copywriters can always find work, which sets you up for life if you are diligent enough to keep your skills up to date. If you have a specific skill, like SEO writing or social media marketing, you can always look for work using those platforms. Keep in mind that marketing is considered a “broad” industry, which means there is a lot of room for growth and opportunity. If you want to keep your skills relevant, you should consider getting a masters degree in marketing or a related field.

    The competitive nature of the job and the niche it is in means that the pay is usually fairly low. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics places the national average annual income for a copywriter at $50,000, the figure is closer to $40,000 in the smaller market. In the larger market, however, the average income for a copywriter is closer to $60,000.

    If you find yourself considering a career in copywriting, but aren’t sure where to start, consider taking a look at the following links. They can help get you started on the right foot:

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