Creative writing is an important skill to have. Regardless of what path you choose in life, having the ability to write creatively is a skill you should learn and possess. There are many benefits to writing creatively, and one of the greatest benefits comes in middle school. Let’s explore why creative writing is so important in middle school, and how you can go about developing your creative writing skills.
The Developing Mind
When you’re in middle school, your mind is going through a lot of changes. Sometimes you think in symbols, or you find yourself dreaming in stories, which are great tools for the imagination. These are all forms of creative expression, and they all come with benefits. The symbol-thinking in particular can be quite helpful when you’re trying to solve problems. You might generate an image in your head of a frog carrying the torch for Athena or a Pegasus for the Greek god Poseidon.
Creative writing in the form of short stories is extremely beneficial for developing your imaginative capabilities. Whether you choose to write fiction or non-fiction, the act of putting words on a page is a fantastic tool for exercising your mind. One of the biggest benefits of creative writing in middle school is that it helps you develop your vocabulary. If you’re looking to improve your English vocabulary, no other method is as effective as writing. By the time you’ve reached high school, your vocabulary will be expansive enough to string sentences together, and you’ll be able to write entire essays with ease.
The Importance of Play
Playing is important in your development as a young person. However, not just any play will do. It’s important that you play with toys, build with blocks, and wear costumes. These are all important parts of child development that will help you later on in life. While adult supervision is important for creating safe play environments, often the greatest benefit of play comes from unsupervised and creative activities. Whether you create imaginary friends, or use your action figures to fight endless wars, playing creatively is beneficial for your development.
When you play with toys, you’re exercising your hand-eye coordination. Your brain is also working on processing what it sees, which allows you to form logical connections and see the world in a different way. There’s also evidence to suggest that certain types of play can improve your social skills and help you become more mature. Whether you choose to write a poem or a short story about your adventures in the sandbox, it’s important that you play.
The Benefits of Art
It would be remiss to not discuss the multiple benefits of art in the middle school. From improving your vocabulary to developing your social skills, art is a skill you should learn and possess. The most important thing to remember about art is that it’s a subjective experience that you should feel free to explore however you see fit. The benefits of art are endless, so long as you choose a subject you’re passionate about.
Whether you choose to write a short story, draw a picture, paint a mural, or design a poster, art is a fantastic way to improve your cognitive skills and challenge yourself creatively. There are many different types of art, so there’s certainly something out there to inspire you. If you’re looking for a way to improve your vocabulary, why not try out a word a day, or look up a new term in a dictionary, which you could then write about in your creative writing journal? The possibilities are endless, so long as you possess the passion for art.
The Need For Independence
As you enter the middle school years, you will quickly learn that there are many benefits to being a bit more independent. Sometimes, you might want to be doing things on your own without relying on adult supervision. Whether it’s going to school without your parents knowing or letting your younger siblings help you with your homework, being a bit more independent in your teens can be beneficial. It isn’t always easy, but at least your teens will thank you for it later on in life when you’re helping them with their college applications or job applications.
As you get older, your independence will benefit you in more ways than one. Being able to make your own decisions and take care of yourself is an important life skill that will help you in any capacity. Whether it’s choosing your friends or the career you’ll eventually choose, you’ll be glad you had the ability to be a bit more independent in your teens.
An Opportunity To Be More Than You Think You Can Be
One of the great things about being in middle school is that it’s an opportunity to be more than you think you can be. With each new year, there are always new things you can be doing, new places you can go, and new people you can meet. If you put your mind to it, there’s no limit to what you can achieve in middle school. You’re young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t let the perceived size of your town or neighborhood hold you back. You can accomplish so much more than you think you can, and with a little bit of luck, you’ll have an opportunity to prove it.