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Which Statement Is True about Online Presentation and Style of Writing Online?

It’s common for students to get stressed out because they feel that they are not making the grade they want. The pressure to perform well is great. However, all that pressure can be damaging. It’s important to find a balance between being motivated and being over-worried. Finding that balance is vital if you want to achieve academic success. One key to finding that balance is by being mindful of the language that you use. When you’re aware of the language that you use, it can help you determine whether you’re over-using certain words or phrases. If you find that you’re frequently saying “online presentation” when you really mean “oral presentation”, you may want to consider changing your language habits. Here’s a short-list of some of the terms that are commonly used in an online setting but have different meanings:

Oral Presentation

An oral presentation is presented in person and is described as “an oral presentation delivered by a lecturer or a professor to the students in class…” An oral presentation is a traditional way of presenting information and is a staple of a business school education. In an oral presentation, you will likely be asked to present your ideas to the audience and respond to questions. While it’s valuable to learn how to present information in an oral presentation, it’s extremely important to note that the style of presenting information is different in an online environment. In an online environment, you will typically write and post your material to a blog or a website for readers to access at their leisure. Because you’re not in front of an audience, you will not need to adopt the ‘presenter’ or ‘lecturing’ style of speech. In fact, you may want to consider using more informal language. Instead of using “oral presentation”, consider using ‘lecture’ or ‘blogging’ to describe your online activities.

Written Presentation

A written presentation is described as “a written document delivered by a lecturer or a professor to the students in class…” A written presentation is often times required in a business school education. Like an oral presentation, a written presentation is also typically delivered in person, but it’s value extends beyond the classroom. A business person can use a written presentation to quickly get their thoughts down on paper so that they can clearly articulate them. Even for non-business individuals, a written presentation can be a useful tool for capturing your thoughts on a particular subject matter. Since you’ll be writing your material, you’ll want to ensure that your grammar, spelling, and style are all impeccable. As with any other piece of writing, you may want to consider your audience and the effect that your language has on them. If you’re not a natural born writer, consider getting some help from an editing service. Having an edit once your work is done can help you polish and improve your writing. Like with any other skill, practice makes perfect. So, take the time to practice writing regularly so that you can get the most out of it when you need it.

E-mail Presentation

An e-mail presentation is a type of electronic presentation that is sent as an e-mail and is described as “a written or oral communication delivered as an e-mail message to one or more audiences…” An e-mail presentation is a useful tool for business professionals who want to disseminate important information to various groups of people. In an e-mail presentation, you will typically be asked to describe your business or organization, provide key statistics, and make relevant recommendations. Because e-mail is such a quick and convenient method of communication, you will likely be asked to provide a series of e-mails or presentations to different groups of people. Like with a written presentation, an e-mail presentation can be a useful tool for business professionals who want to disseminate important information to various groups of people.


A presentation is defined as “a formal talk or activity that provides information or education to an audience…” A presentation is typically a type of academic activity that is used to disseminate knowledge. Because a presentation is educational in nature, you will likely be asked to provide a detailed Powerpoint or similar type of slide presentation to support your ideas and concepts. While it’s important to learn how to present yourself formally, it’s also valuable to consider that a presentation is different from an oral presentation or a written presentation. As with any academic activity, you’ll want to adopt an informal language when presenting in an online setting.

Live Presentation

A live presentation is defined as “a presentation delivered in real-time to an audience as part of an event or activity…” A live presentation is a type of presentation delivered in person or online to an audience as part of an event or activity. Live presentations can be used for a number of different purposes. For example, a business person may want to conduct live interviews with prospective customers or suppliers in order to get their feedback on a new product line. Or a professor may want to conduct a Q&A session with his or her students during a webinar.

With any of these types of presentations, the style that you use and the language that you use will be different from that which you would use in a typical business setting. An important factor to consider is that some audiences may not have the same level of familiarity with your topic as you do. So, it’s essential that you are mindful of the language that you use and that you tailor it to the audience that you are speaking to. Make sure that your language is easily understandable by the general public and that you use words and phrases that they are familiar with. Think about your audience before you write and before you speak – this will help you be more effective and efficient. Remember, your language will reflect your style, so make sure that you pick a dialect that is appropriate for the occasion. For example, if you’re presenting to a group of your friends, you may want to consider using informal language. On the other hand, if you’re speaking to an audience of non-friends or strangers, you may want to use business language.

Online Presentation And Style Of Writing

An online presentation and writing style are not one in the same. When you’re writing for an online audience, you have the option of using many different writing styles and can even use graphics to enhance your text. Because of all this flexibility, it can be difficult to know how to go about writing an effective business blog post or similar type of piece. But, knowing when to use which style and what to include and exclude can help you develop your own writing voice and make your blog posts or similar types of pieces more effective.

When you’re writing for an online audience, it’s important to consider your language and how it will be received. Like with any other type of communication, your choice of words and the way that you present your ideas can have a profound effect on how others perceive you. In general, avoid using complex language that is not familiar to your audience. Instead, pick words that are easy to understand and relevant to your topic. If you’re not sure of the right words, look them up in a dictionary or

If you want to write professionally, conduct yourself and your work in a manner that is befitting of a business professional. Tailor your language to suit the occasion and be mindful of how you use words so as not to offend or hurt anyone with your work.


As you can see, there are many different terms that are commonly used to describe types of presentations and styles of writing. But, despite the myriad of terms, there are a few that you should know and consider using more often than others. These include:

  • Blogging
  • E-mail
  • Live Presentation
  • Oral Presentation
  • Presentation
  • Short Story
  • Social Media
  • Webinar
  • Word Processor
  • Writer’s Block
  • Writing Service
  • Coursework
  • Dissertation

Whether you’re presenting in person, via webinar, or online, what is clear is that each medium has its perks and its pitfalls. For example, a live presentation is great for engaging with an audience and allowing for questions and answers. But, if you’re not prepared for the level of engagement that a live presentation can bring, an e-mail presentation may be a better alternative. A presentation can also be a great medium for presenting information in a formal manner. But, if you want to promote a more informal vibe, you may want to choose an online medium instead. Style and language are important. So, make sure that you are mindful of both when selecting the right medium for a particular occasion – this will make your presentation or writing much more effective.