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Home ยป What Degree to Pursue for Creative Writing?

What Degree to Pursue for Creative Writing?

In the UK, creative writing is a widely recognised degree and is considered a valuable qualification not only for a career in media but also for life in general. It focuses on the analysis of different texts and the ability to present these in an engaging and informative way.

While it’s relatively simple to get a first degree in creative writing, it won’t necessarily open the door to academic or professional success. Being able to gain valuable work experience through an internship is essential if you want to equip yourself for the working world. This can be anything from research to copy-writing โ€“ it really depends on your interests.

An alternative route that doesn’t require a degree is to take up a Bachelors in Business Administration with a specialisation in Marketing. With this qualification, you’ll be able to map out a clear marketing strategy and implement a plan of action โ€“ something that might come in useful if you want to move into content creation for businesses.

If you’re passionate about writing, take some time to find out what degree will enable you to make the most of your skills and interests. Your studies won’t stop with a degree though โ€“ you’ll also need to consider what further education you need to progress in your chosen field. This could be anything from a postgraduate qualification to an internship. If you’re not sure where to start, why not look at some of the more specialist guilds and associations in your area? They can often recommend a good tutor who can help get you started on the right foot.

The Benefits Of A Creative Writing Degree

According to the UK Government, there are a number of benefits that could come from a creative writing degree. These include:-

  • Employment opportunities in the creative industry which is growing
  • Improved critical thinking
  • A widened vocabulary
  • Greater confidence
  • A better understanding of different genres and styles
  • A greater understanding of the English language

Of course, depending on your chosen course, there will be additional perks such as personal and professional growth. If you do end up in the creative industry, you’ll be able to draw on a large pool of potential employees who have already completed a degree in this field.

As a creative writing degree doesn’t exist in isolation, it’s important to compare the various options to choose from. This way, you’ll be able to make the right choice for yourself and your future. When comparing different courses, make sure you consider;-

  • The location of the school or college
  • The size of the classes (smaller classes are usually beneficial)
  • The availability of grants and loans
  • The tutors (have they worked on published material or content creation for brands)?
  • The atmosphere (is it more like a traditional lecture theatre or a learning community?)
  • The level of engagement (does it involve a lot of one-to-one tutorials with very little group work?)
  • The opportunities for students to get involved in extra-curricular activities (sports, societies, etc.)

The UK’s Creative Skillset Agency report from 2017 states that there were nearly 40,000 job vacancies in the creative industries across all sectors in the UK. This is an increase of nearly 14% compared to 2016 and is set to continue rising.

With nearly one in five UK adults saying they’re dissatisfied with their jobs and living in a state of limbo, job seekers are likely to be motivated to look for opportunities in creative writing. In fact, as a creative writing degree doesn’t require employers to specify the job roles they’re looking for, you may discover a range of careers open to you.

Top Tips For Those Considering A Creative Writing Degree

If you’re interested in a creative writing degree, then it’s important to look at the various options available to you. There are a variety of courses spanning across the country, making it easier to gain access to higher education. If you’re an international student, then make sure you have the right support systems in place to make your transition to life in the UK as smooth as possible.

Here are top tips for those considering a creative writing degree;-