It would be beneficial to learn about the different markets for freelance copywriters before starting your own practice. Being able to choose your clients and hone your skills optimally is essential if you want to stand out above the competition. In the following, I will list several marketing hubs that you can and should consider submitting your work to.
Fiction Magazines & Novels
If you are a published writer, it’s a great idea to submit your writing to magazines and novellas. Magazine editors may not always have the time to read your entire novel, but they will certainly want to read a sample of your work. They may even invite you to submit an entire article or short story if there is space available. Bear in mind that when you send them your work, it will most likely be subjected to a rigorous editorial process before appearing in print. This is one place to check if you are looking for your work to be published. You will need to build up a portfolio of articles and samples of your fiction before making any submissions.
Business Magazine Submissions
If you are a business writer looking to have your writing featured in a business magazine, you might want to consider submitting your work to trade magazines. These are usually published once or twice a month and are great places for businesses to advertise their products and services to the general public. You may choose to pitch yourself as a business correspondent or bureau chief and write about successful business leaders or innovative businesses. You can also write about work-life balance for those in the workplace or how a new business model can benefit the community. Your work will then be featured alongside prominent business articles often by experts in the field.
Regional & Local Newspapers
If you are looking to break into the regional and local newspaper market, you should consider looking for paid opportunities within these publications. There are several different ways to break into the newspaper industry, but none of them are easy or guarantee success. One option is to try and pitch stories to small-town newspapers that want to boost their circulation. In some cases, freelance writers may be asked to write up to date local events or milestones for the anniversary edition or historical archive of a newspaper. If you are able to prove your value to the newsroom and they like your work, you may end up with a steady stream of assignments that keep you busy. Remember, however, that this is a very competitive market and most newspapers will only accept the best submissions from freelance writers.
Broadsheet & Weekly Newspapers
If you are looking for your work to be featured in a broadsheet or weekly newspaper, you may consider submitting an Op-Ed or editor’s letter. These are the broadsheets that you can find on any news stand or in the paper on Saturday. The general rule of thumb is that the bigger the better when it comes to showcasing your work in a newspaper. You may want to consider pitching a Letter to the Editor about an issue that you feel strongly about. Alternatively, you can pitch a personal story about a subject that you know the newspaper will want to publish. You may choose to write about a place or an event that you have been to or witnessed and include photos to illustrate your points. If you can get a quote from a credible source or an interesting fact, your article may end up being published for the general public to see.
Field Reporter, Bloggers, & Tweeter
If you are a real news junkie, you may want to consider getting involved with one of the many journalism initiatives that exist on the internet. There are dozens of platforms where you can find freelance writing opportunities including Newspapers, radio stations, and even TV news affiliates. The catch is that you will need to be affiliated with a media company in order to get the work, so make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons. Bloggers and social media users frequently look for original content, whether it is on a website or on a Twitter or Instagram account. If you are able to produce compelling content on a regular basis, you may find yourself with a steady stream of work that you can monetize creatively.
Mental Health & Addiction Blogs
If you are a published author with a strong background in psychology or addictions, you may want to consider pitching your blog to the many drug and alcohol related blogs that you can find online. These publications are always on the lookout for new material and if you can provide them with well-written, expert analysis of the psychological effects of consuming various substances, you may very well end up with some great opportunities. Just remember that these publications are fairly specific when it comes to the content that they want, so make sure that you can provide them with a steady stream of unique content that they can use over and over again. When pitching to these publications, it is essential that you learn to write concisely and clearly so that your readers can follow your logical line of argumentation.
Academic Journal Submissions
If you are an academic and have a specific field or expertise in a niche market, you may want to consider pitching your work to scholarly journals. These are usually considered the ultimate mark of an expert in a particular field and if you can gain access to a reputable journal, you may be able to launch your academic career with an impressive publication record. Remember that there is a lot of competition for these prizes, so make sure that you have something unique and compelling to offer. Try and find a niche in a broad range of subjects so that you can cover all the bases.
Online & Social Media Blogger
If you are a creative writer who is also a prolific social media user, you may want to pitch your blog to the many websites and social media pages that cover news and current events. If you can get a large enough following on social media, you may be able to secure some opportunities for yourself, especially if you are a young writer. If you are able to harness your considerable creative potential on social media, you may find that you can become one of the most influential writers online. Most of these publications will only want content that is both unique and entertaining, so make sure that you are putting your best foot forward when you are pitching your blog to these publications.
International Literary Magazines
If you are an established writer who has published in prestigious literary magazines around the world, you may want to consider pitching your magazine to the many international literary magazines that exist. Whether you have been published in the New Yorker or the Paris Review, you may very well be able to gain access to some of the most prestigious titles in the industry. Many of these magazines will only want to hear from the best of the best, so you will need to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward when you are pitching your work to them.
How to Submit Your Copywriting
In order to secure the most exposure and gain the most opportunities for your freelance writing, it is essential that you learn how to submit your work efficiently. The following are several tips on how to go about doing this: