When naming a job title, you need to consider whether or not to capitalize the first letter of each word. While there is no set rule for this, you should probably follow the general practice and capitalize job titles such as president, CEO, CFO, COO, etc.
On the other hand, if you have a title such as teacher, doctor, lawyer, architect, etc, you should probably leave the first letter of each word uncapitalized.
A president is the chief executive of a company or other organization. Your title should be capitalized, as it is a job title. In the United States, the President of the United States is also the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, making him one of the most prominent figures in American history. While some may argue that the title of “President” should be only capitalized when referring to the nation’s leader, you should probably capitalize the title of “president” when referring to someone holding the position in a company or other organization.
A CEO is the chief executive officer of a company or other organization. In the United States, the acronym “CEO” stands for “chief executive officer”, the person who is considered the leader of the organization. The CEO is usually the company’s top decision-maker and is responsible for setting executive strategy and overseeing operations
As with the president, you should probably capitalize the term “CEO” when referring to someone in a company or other organization, even if that person is not the nation’s leader. If you are writing about the company’s history, you can leave off the first letter of “CEO”, as it is usually not necessary to describe the job of CEO.
A CFO is the chief financial officer of a company or other organization. The acronym CFO stands for “chief financial officer”, the person who is in charge of overseeing the financial side of the operation. In most firms, the CFO is also the person who handles corporate accounting and taxation, keeps track of cash inflows and outflows, and coordinates purchasing activities with suppliers.
The job of CFO can vary from company to company, but in general the responsibilities include the same as those of the CEO. Like the CEO, the CFO is usually the company’s top decision-maker and is responsible for setting executive strategy and overseeing operations.
A COO is the chief operations officer of a company or other organization. The acronym COO stands for “chief operating officer”, the person who is responsible for running the company or organization and for generating revenue. A COO works with the CEO to set overall strategy and to ensure that the company or organization complies with corporate and operational guidelines.
Like the other job titles discussed above, the “COO” title should be capitalized when spoken or written about in reference to a company or other organization. If you are writing about a specific person’s career, you can leave off the first letter of “COO”, as it is not necessary to describe the job of COO.
Other Job Titles
There are other job titles that generally deserve a capital letter. The following are some examples:
CXO is the abbreviation for “chief information officer”. A CXO is the person who is in charge of the organization’s information technology and communications. A CXO works closely with the CFO and the CEO to ensure that the organization’s information is secure and accessible to all.
CISO is the abbreviation for “chief investment officer”. A CISO is the person who is in charge of the organization’s investments. Similar to a CFO, the CISO works with the CEO and the COO to set overall investment strategy and to ensure that the investments are made in accordance with corporate guidelines.
The above are just some examples of the kinds of job titles that might require a capital letter. If you are unsure whether or not to capitalize a specific job title, ask someone who works in an industry or community that is relevant to your own. You should probably consult your local business authority for additional guidance.
Note: Job titles are not the same as “job descriptions”. A job description is a “portrayal of the tasks and responsibilities” associated with a particular job. When you write a job description, you should include all the required skills, knowledge, and abilities. You should also include how you intend to measure your contributions to the company or organization. For more information, see our guide to writing a job description.