I was in my final year of high school when the world around me suddenly changed. A friend of mine told me about a creative writing course at the local university and how she thought I would like it. She was right. I enrolled for the course and found it very interesting. Though I had never written a poem, essay, or short story before, I found it easy to express my views and thoughts on the works of others. I enjoyed the freedom of putting my thoughts through the form of writing. The assignments were fun and sometimes challenging. I loved hearing other peoples’ stories and being able to relate to them. My grades improved and I was able to graduate with a high school diploma! Since then, I have taken several creative writing courses and even now, when I’m not working, I spend my time writing. It is a great outlet for my thoughts and helps me organize my ideas. I hope this was helpful!
Why Should You Take a Creative Writing Course?
If you are someone who likes to write, it is only natural that you should pursue creative writing. However, beyond just liking to write, there are some other compelling reasons why you should consider taking a creative writing course. Here are just a few:
1. Self-expression
One of the things that makes human beings unique is our ability to express ourselves through art and literature. If you have a creative writing degree, you will be able to explore many different avenues of self-expression and even make your own blog or website. You will also be able to speak at literary festivals and conferences about the work that you produce. The world of creative writing is vast, creative, and extremely rewarding. It’s a great way to both express yourself and enhance your knowledge.
2. Broadening your mind
If you are creative and have a good imagination, then you are capable of producing art and literature that is much broader in scope than the normal run of novels and poetry. If you take a creative writing course, you will have the opportunity to explore literature and ideas that you might not have encountered before. Through these courses, you can develop new ideas and new ways of looking at things. This is what makes them so beneficial, as you are able to take something that might be interesting to you and apply it to your life. For example, you might study Romantic poetry and decide that you want to write a poem during one of your free times. This could lead you on a new journey of discovery and learning that would not have been possible otherwise.
3. Improve your communication skills
Art and literature are often considered to be the purest forms of human communication. In the same way that good poems and short stories allow the reader to step inside the head of the writer and see what they are thinking and feeling, good artwork can allow the viewer to experience something that is largely their own creation. From simple sketches to finished pieces of art, the ability to communicate oneself through art is as important today as it has ever been. In today’s world, being able to effectively communicate is more important than ever before and, as we have seen above, being skilled in art is a great way to do this. If you take a creative writing course, you will have the opportunity to both express yourself and develop practical skills that you can later use in everyday life. Whether through literature or art, your tutor will be able to help you improve your skills and help you find your voice. By doing this, you will also be helping yourself.
4. Learn to analyze literature
Literature is all around us. From the biggest blockbuster movies to the smallest indie film, the amount of literature that is out there is pretty incredible. One of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself is to learn how to analyze literature. This way, you will be able to pick up on subtle details that you might not have noticed before or understand the significance of certain events and characters in a story. If you are the type of person who likes to watch movies and television shows, then you can take advantage of this by seeking out literature classes in your area. With a little bit of work, you could end up taking a creative writing course and also a literature course all in one. Learning how to analyze literature is a great way to both understand the world around you and your place within it. Through this, you will also be enhancing your general education.
5. Learn to use different genres and styles
If you have an interest in film or television, you will encounter a wide variety of different genres and styles. Though each of these has its benefits, it is important to learn how to apply these different elements to your work. For example, you might study the Gothic genre in your literature course and decide that you want to write a short story in this style. When writing your story, you will use the vocabulary and concepts that you have learned and be able to apply them in a meaningful and creative way. This is a great way to both learn and have fun!
6. Gain confidence
Confidence is one of the most important things in life. When you are confident with yourself and your abilities, you can interact with the world around you with ease. Through art, you are always able to examine your thoughts and feelings and decide whether you want to change them or not. This in itself is a practical exercise that will help you develop confidence. If you decide to write some poems, you will be able to present them at a later date and see how others react to your work. This will add another layer of confidence that you might not have had before. Knowing that others value your work enough to read it and offer their thoughts is a great confidence boost!
7. Learn to value your own opinion
This might be the most important one. We all get told how we should think and act all the time. Sometimes, this can be bad for your mental health. One of the things that makes literature and art so powerful is that they give you the opportunity to both examine and question the world around you. If you have an interest in this, then seeking out a creative writing course might be exactly what you are looking for. In these courses, you will be given the opportunity to both value and express your opinion. Through this, you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. Additionally, you will be encouraged to find your voice and be unique!
In closing, I would like to again stress the importance of self-expression. In today’s society, there seems to be an emphasis on conformity and following the crowd. However, you have the chance to find your own identity and value in arts and literature. Through this, you will not only be able to find your place in this world, but you will be able to make a difference and leave your own unique mark on this world. It is a great opportunity to both grow and learn.