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When Does Peggy Get Into Copywriting?

Every professional in today’s world must have knowledge of copywriting. Unfortunately, many people believe that they can coast through life as a copywriter just because they put some text on a blog page or two. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Copywriting is a very specific skill that can only be honed through long hours of practice. Moreover, not every organization will be able to afford a full-time employee merely for the purpose of copywriting. In the real world, you will have to be prepared to show your work and prove your ability to clients. In this article, we will discuss three different situations that may arise while in the course of your daily work life as a copywriter, and what you should do in each case. We will also introduce you to the concept of a contract writer. This is a person who writes for several clients on a freelance basis, and thus is able to take on more work than you would alone be able to handle.

Fresh Off The Press: An Overview

Let’s begin at the very beginning: When does Peggy get into copywriting? Well, ideally, you should be doing some sort of copywriting from the very moment you start working. Whether you are pitching an idea to a client, writing a press release, or crafting an email marketing campaign, you should be doing it all while considering the needs of the business and the goal of the project. Moreover, you should be aware of all the legal and ethical aspects that come with copywriting, keeping track of which rules and regulations you are following and which you are breaking. In reality, however, this probably won’t happen. Most likely, you will have to take a bit of a backseat and let your manager, boss, or client handle the heavy lifting. As long as you are contributing in some way to the success of the project, though, you should be able to feel good about yourself (and your efforts). Let’s say that you are handed this daunting task of marketing a new product within the company. You will not have the time nor the energy to do all the copywriting yourself. Perhaps you could hire some freelancers to help you complete this project. Even in this case, you should be contributing your own unique skills to the project. For example, maybe you know how to craft an effective sales letter. Or perhaps you have experience in getting companies published in top tier publications. By taking a backseat and letting your co-workers take the reins on this project, you will have the opportunity to focus on other areas of the business that need your attention.

Taking On A Client: The Good News

On the plus side, let’s say that you land a client who is keen to work with you. As soon as you start putting the pieces together, you will have to present your boss or manager with a proposal. This will detail the project in a way that is clear to both of you. Moreover, you will have to hand over a draft of the final product at the end, along with some sort of progress report. It is entirely possible that this will be a large project, and thus you may not be able to complete it alone. In this case, you should definitely think about hiring some freelancers to help you out. The fact that you have a good rapport with your client will definitely make it easier for you to complete the project. Even if your client is located far away, regular telephone calls and emails will keep things intimate and, hopefully, synergistic. You will, of course, need to be careful about the terms of the contract. Make sure that you are, in fact, getting paid what you are owed. Moreover, get everything in writing. This will help you both be certain about what is and is not included in the project. In conclusion, this is one situation where you may want to get into copywriting. Not only will it be a good use of your skills, but it will also allow you to develop your own. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to showcase your abilities and gain some credibility. Finally, from a financial standpoint, you should be compensated fairly for your efforts.

Doing Some Freelancing For A Few Clients: The Bad News

On the other hand, let’s say that you decide to go the freelance route. You contract with several different clients to provide them with copywriting services. For the most part, this will be a bad idea. Why? It is virtually impossible to get a good sense of the whole picture without being in the trenches with each and every one of your clients. Moreover, you will quickly discover that some clients are much more enjoyable to work with than others. Some may expect you to just show up and churn out some pretty words, while others will want you to actually understand their business model and have some sort of input into the text. In reality, it is all about the money in this industry. Clients come and go. Sometimes, they don’t pay up on time. Moreover, you might find that some clients require a lot of effort and, in turn, don’t value your work highly enough to merit a healthy chunk of the pie. In short, this is not a sustainable route. At least not in the short term. Furthermore, you will quickly discover that there are certain clients that try to play musical chairs with your services. This is where you find yourself constantly switching jobs, never sure of how much you will earn or when. Ultimately, this is not a good situation for anyone. Especially not for you. Why? Because it will stunt your professional growth and, at some point, you will have to choose between taking a pay cut or finding something else to do. Chances are, you won’t have high hopes for this approach. 

Contracting A Freelancer: The Good News

Last but not least, let’s say that you decide to take the route of contracting a freelancer. Specifically, you hire someone who is proficient in copywriting to complete several tasks for you. Basically, the benefits are similar to doing some freelancing for a few clients. The difference is that, with this approach, you are guaranteed of consistent and continuous work. Moreover, you can structure the contract in a way that suits your needs. For example, you might want to set a fixed price per piece, regardless of how many drafts the writer produces or how many stories the writer is able to turn around. This can certainly simplify things. Then, again, this might not be the best option for everyone. Not everyone will be able to produce sufficiently high-quality work on a regular basis. Moreover, you have to consider the legal and ethical issues that come with this type of agreement. Everything from the copyright to the confidentiality of your clients’ information. Even if you intend on being completely open about the project and the work that is being done, you still need to protect your own interests. For instance, if you are doing some contract work for a pharmaceutical company, you might want to consider whether or not you should be disclosing the fact that you are working on a medical trial. Ultimately, this is a good option for those who want to take their writing career into their own hands but don’t have the time to do so while still having a job. At least, not in the short term. In conclusion, going the contract route for a copywriter is a viable option, but it isn’t for everyone. Moreover, it will depend on your needs and the nature of your projects. 

As you can see, there are several options for Peggy to get into copywriting. The choice is entirely up to her. Ultimately, you can only offer guidance and assistance. You can’t make the decision for her. Moreover, you should not even think about doing any of this without having solid legal and contractual protections in place. Otherwise, you will end up in a situation where you are not sure if what you are doing is actually legal or not. This will cause you all sorts of problems. Not to mention that you won’t even know where to start when it comes down to taking someone to court for breach of contract. In the absence of a contract, your word should be the only thing that stands between you and legal action. In this way, working with a lawyer right from the start to create a contract will ensure that you are well-represented throughout the process. Moreover, just to reiterate, before you even begin to approach any clients, it is essential that you sit down with a lawyer and get everything in writing. This will help you avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications. At the end of the day, this is a very specific and niche field. Unless you are already doing some sort of copywriting, it might be best to consider whether or not this is a career for you. Of course, that all depends on you and what you want out of life. As always, though, the more you know, the better you will be able to make those important decisions for yourself.