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When Did I Get My Acceptance Letter from the UCR MFA Creative Writing Program?

Hello, I’m Caitlyn and this is my story. I want to thank you for granting me permission to write this bio. I went to undergrad at UCLA where I majored in English and minored in Creative Writing. After college, I spent about a month in Prague, Czechia where I taught English to high school students before I got my first teaching job at East London Community College. After my teaching experience, I decided to go back to school to pursue my Master’s degree at the University of California Riverside. It was pretty hectic getting ready for classes, so I didn’t get my acceptance letter until a couple weeks after I graduated from undergrad. Once I got the letter, I was ecstatic! Now, I’m using my Masters to help undergraduates with their creative writing. I really enjoy what I do, and I feel like I make a difference. This is all thanks to the UC Riverside Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Without further ado, here’s when I got my acceptance letter:

Graduation Day, July 2018

I graduated from the University of California Riverside with a Bachelors in English and a Minor in Creative Writing on July 13, 2018. The ceremony was amazing, and I got to see inspiring stories from amazing young creatives who go on to do great things. It was very emotional. Now that I’m a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, I get to continue helping students find their authentic voice, refine their craft, and tell their story. It’s been an amazing ride so far! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store.

The Road To UCR

I entered the University of California Riverside as a freshman. I chose UCR because their Creative Writing program is highly regarded, and I wanted to get into a good university that had a reputable program. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I knew it would be challenging. When I arrived at UCR, I immediately felt like I’d made the right choice. The campus is beautiful, the students are smart and passionate, and the faculty are encouraging and willing to help. The transition from high school to college was smooth. I made a great friend in my Creative Writing class, and our bond grew even stronger over time as we helped each other navigate this new, sometimes daunting, environment. My professors were amazing, and despite the challenges of getting used to the college environment and the homework, I thoroughly enjoyed learning and growing as a writer in the company of such talented, inspiring individuals.

Fall 2018 Semester

The semester started off great! I loved all my classes, and I got to know my professors well. In my English classes, we would discuss themes in the novels of T. S. Eliot and Graham Greene, among others. It was an unexpected treat to find such an eclectic range of literature being discussed in the English classroom. My Creative Writing classes were particularly challenging, but also incredibly rewarding and incredibly satisfying when I successfully completed a rough draft. One of my favorite classes was an introductory class to literature and creative writing. We would cover topics like plot, character, and theme, as well as the historical context of each work. It was challenging simply getting used to the idea of writing something creative and new, but the end result was immensely gratifying.

Spring 2019 Semester

Last semester was a little rough, to say the least. The semester started off great, but then I hit a wall. I wasn’t sure what was wrong, but I knew it had something to do with my thesis. I would sit down to write, but I couldn’t seem to get anything done. I had grand ideas in my head of what my thesis should be about, but every time I sat down to actually write it, the ideas would disappear, and I would find myself writing about something completely different. This is when I discovered the reason for my writer’s block. I had chosen the wrong topic for my thesis. I needed to switch gears and choose a topic that I knew I could write about with confidence. After a little bit of soul searching, I decided to write about the importance of self-reflection in a writer’s life. It was the perfect topic for my needs, thanks to the guidance of my fantastic adviser. The topic gave me confidence, and as a result, I was able to produce quality work that I’m proud to share. Unfortunately, my topic was more complex than what my adviser and I had initially anticipated, so it took us longer than expected to complete the project. The wait was worth it, however, as the end product was a great addition to my portfolio and a valuable piece of academic work.


When I finally got around to applying to grad school, I did so knowing that I would have to compete with thousands of other brilliant applicants to get into my preferred program. My strategy was to stand out from the crowd by producing a unique application package that would convince the panel of grad school judges that I was the best candidate for the job. I started by creating a narrative statement that would serve as the backbone of my application. I wanted to write something that would grab the attention of the reader and compel them to keep reading. I wanted to create a short story that would serve as an example of my work throughout the rest of the application. After I had my story, I knew that the next step was to compose a convincing cast of characters and give them each a distinct voice. I began to flesh out my character arcs and chart the course of my novel. This is when I needed a good night’s sleep. It’s no secret that writer’s block can be hard to overcome, but once I got the details of my thesis worked out, I was able to get back on track and begin producing something amazing. My strategy was working. My novel was starting to come to life, and it was only a matter of time before I could show it to the world.