When a job asks for a writing sample, what does that mean? It means that you will be required to write some content that is either already prepared or in a form that can be easily adapted for the job at hand. Writing samples can be of any length and may include everything from a cover letter for the job application, to a marketing plan for a business, to a brochure for an organization, to posts for a blog, to an email pitch for a product or service, or perhaps even a press release or two! Writing samples are almost always required for higher-level positions, but even entry-level jobs will often have some sort of writing task. Even if you are a born wordsmith, you will not be able to avoid some sort of writing task when you start your job search.
As you might imagine, employers want to see how you will perform under pressure. That is why most jobs will have a deadline associated with it. If you want to show them that you are able to meet tight deadlines without trouble, then this article is for you. In this guide, you will learn about the various kinds of writing samples that you might be asked to provide and how to best prepare for them. We will cover everything from what format to use for your writing (Manuscript, Thesis, or Dissertation), to how much content you should include (no more than three paragraphs), and much more.
The Different Forms Of Writing Samples
As noted above, writing samples can take a variety of forms, and it is important to know what type of writing sample you are expected to provide in order to write the best possible piece. The most common types of writing samples are:
- Cover Letters – These are the introductory paragraphs of your letter. They should be short and to the point. Potential employers want to know what makes you qualified for the job. Keep your cover letter simple and to the point. Short, sweet, and to the point: perfect! Always remember to include your full contact information (i.e., name, email address, and phone number) in your cover letter. You can also attach a resume or a professional bio.
- Marketing Plans – These are similar to business plans in structure and format, but they are usually shorter. Marketing plans should include a detailed description of the target audience, the product or service, and the marketing strategy. You can also attach a resume or a professional bio.
- Brochures – These are pretty self-explanatory: short and sweet. Keep it simple and to the point. These are typically the first things that people see when they walk into a store or a restaurant and the last thing that people will see before they leave. So, your goal is to make sure that their first and last impressions are positive ones. Keep your brochure short and sweet. Include only essential information.
- Organization Brochure – These are pretty self-explanatory: short and sweet. Keep it simple and to the point. These are usually designed to highlight the programs and/or services offered by the organization. Your goal is to make sure that people have enough information to understand what the organization is about, but you also don’t want to give too much information away for free.
- Blog Post Samples – These are essentially samples of your writing. In order to write the best possible blog post, you need to understand what the employer is looking for. Usually, this involves researching the blog topic and then using a keyword tool to find the most popular keywords and phrases. Once you have your list, it’s time to start drafting your post. You can use these samples to write your own blog posts or simply use them as templates to write your own blog posts. Remember to stay away from using too many keywords; this makes your posts easy to find using general search engines. Finally, when you are finished with your post, test it using Google’s free webmaster tool or similar tools. This will ensure that the post is optimized for search engines such as Google.
- Email Pitch Samples – These are pretty self-explanatory: short and sweet. Keep it simple and to the point. These are usually the first things that people see when they get an email. So, your goal is to make sure that their first and last impressions are positive ones. Keep your email pitch short and sweet. Include only essential information.
- Press Releases Samples – These are similar to marketing plans in structure and format, but they are usually shorter. Keep it simple and to the point. These are often the first things that people see when they get a press release. Your goal is to make sure that people have enough information to understand what the organization is about, but you also don’t want to give away too much information for free.
When To Provide A Writing Sample
It is important to remember that, as detailed above, most jobs will require you to provide a writing sample. This means that you will be required to write even if you don’t have the job yet. There are, however, exceptions to this rule. If you have a clear understanding of what the job entails, it’s not necessary to provide a writing sample. If you know that you will not be required to write, then it is a good idea to avoid this as much as possible. The key to having a successful job search is to find a job that you are passionate about and that fits within your skill set. In addition to this, make sure that you are using the right tools for the job search. The worst thing that you can do is to rush into a job you are not passionate about just to have something to go back to your family and friends. You are better off sticking with what you know and love and are good at rather than taking a job that you are not skilled enough for or that you are not passionate about. Your writing sample will be one of the first things that potential employers will see when they look at your resume. Make sure that it is good enough to catch their attention and convince them that you are the best person for the job.
How Much Content Should You Include?
This is a question that you have to ask yourself. How much content should you include? It is a good idea to write as much as you need in order to communicate your ideas effectively. If you are applying for a job as a social media marketer, then you should probably write a blog post with a couple of videos to go along with it. If you are applying for a job as a copywriter, then you might want to write up some pretty detailed marketing plans or brochures. As noted above, your writing sample will be one of the first things that potential employers will see when they look at your resume. Ensure that your writing is good enough to convince them that you are the best person for the job.
As you can see, there are many different kinds of writing samples that you might be required to provide. Remember to keep it simple and to the point. Always make sure that your writing is good enough to convince employers that you are the best person for the job.