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What to Know When Choosing a Creative Writing Workshop

A creative writing workshop is a perfect place for students to develop their skills, meet new people, and have some fun. However, there are a few things you should know before booking your place or making a decision. Here are some of them.

Know What To Look For

Many places advertise as creative writing workshops, but only offer part of what’s promised. Before booking your place, make sure the company you’re considering hires professional writers who can help you develop your ideas into full stories. The last thing you want to do is send in your rough drafts only to have them returned with numerous typos and glaring errors. Professional editing, proofreading, and rewriting are all part of the package. They should not be cheap; rather, they should be included in the cost of the workshop.

Think About The Location

Depending on where you are in the world, the location of the workshop can vary. If you are in London, England, for example, then you’ll want to look for a creative writing workshop that’s close to Big Ben and the London Eye. If you want to save money, consider moving to a smaller city or even a village. This way, you’ll be able to get a taste of city life while spending less money. If you’re a fan of the U.K. series, Mr. Bean, then you may want to consider the locations of some of its famous filming spots, such as London, England.

Think About The Style Of The Classroom

The classroom environment is important too. You don’t want to sit in a stuffy room with eight other people and a television screen, do you? Especially if you are there to learn. Consider what style the room is, whether it’s big or little; has windows or not; and what the temperature is like. If you’re not sure, ask the receptionist or the teacher. Most importantly, make sure there is comfortable seating, plenty of electrical outlets, and a restroom (if you are there overnight).

Think About The Size Of The Class

Another thing to consider is the size of the class. Sometimes smaller classes are better, especially if you want to get the most out of the experience. It’s also nice to have somebody to talk to in class once in a while. However, if you’re a fan of long walks and bus trips to nowhere in particular, then a large group can be fun too. The size of the group depends on when and where you’re taking the class. If it’s during the week, it’s usually a good idea to go with a smaller group so that everybody can get enough individual attention.

Think About The Averages

Last but not least, we have the average class. You can usually figure out the general level of teaching by looking at the ratings or reviews. If there aren’t any reviews, ask the receptionist or the teacher. If you see that most classes seem to be around the same level, then you can assume that the teacher is either a really good speaker or an amazing musician. However, if you get the feeling that some classes are a lot better than others, ask the teacher or the receptionist for more details. They will be more than happy to advise you.

As you can see, there are a few things you should know when choosing a creative writing workshop. Make sure you research the company before booking your place or making a decision. Also, if you have any doubts, ask the teacher or the receptionist for more information. Good luck!