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What to Do If You Don’t Have a Copywriting Portfolio

A copywriting portfolio is like a resume, but for copywriters, or for anyone who wants to be considered for a copywriting job. When applying for a job, you need to demonstrate that you’re capable of doing the work. A copywriting portfolio shows that you can write engaging, convincing copy that will encourage the reader to act or think in a certain way. It will also showcase your work so that potential employers can see what you’ve produced. The perfect copywriting portfolio should contain examples of your writing, along with some marketing and sales copy you’ve produced. In this article, we’ll discuss what you should do if you don’t have a copywriting portfolio yet.

Get Professional Help

If you’re a beginner, it’s a good idea to ask for help. There are plenty of people in the world who would love to help you find a good copywriter who can work on your behalf. If you don’t have a copywriting portfolio yet, it’s a good idea to ask for help. You can get a professional to help you put one together, or you can find someone online who is willing to collaborate with you.

Start Small

If you’re looking for a job, it’s a good idea to start small. Begin by writing a few blog posts for local businesses, or for non-profit organizations that you believe in. Then, you can move on to bigger and better things. You never know where you’ll end up, so it’s always a good idea to keep your options open. While you’re still searching, develop a few sample articles you can use to show off your skills. When applying for a job, make sure you include a few sample articles in your application. This will prove you’ve got the skills they’re looking for.

Don’t Forget Email

You should always try to keep in touch with former colleagues. If you’ve been freelancing for a while and developed a network of writers, contact persons, and editors who you’ve worked with, there’s a good chance they’ll be able to help you find a job. Many businesses won’t even consider you for an interview unless you have a few articles or webpages you can show them. These could be written for local businesses, or for non-profit organizations who you feel deserve your support. When contacting former colleagues, don’t forget to include your portfolio along with your resume. This will give them a better idea of what you’ve been doing, and it will make you more likely to be considered for the job. Keep in touch with your network, and eventually, you’ll find someone who can help you find a copywriting job.

Apply To As Many Jobs As Possible

When applying for a job, it’s important to apply to as many places as possible. The more places you apply to, the more likely you are to land yourself a job. Even if you don’t get the job you’re applying for, many places will appreciate your effort. Try to put yourself in the best possible position by applying to as many places as possible. Going through hundreds of applications is tiresome, so try to narrow the field by applying to a select few places first.

Follow All Instructions

If you’ve been hired to write an article or web content for a publication, don’t hesitate to follow all instructions given to you by the editorial staff. If you don’t understand something, ask the person who’s instructed you. Often, instructions come with examples, so you can see what they mean. If you do everything shown to you, you’ll have no trouble completing the project. Make sure you follow all instructions carefully and thoroughly. This will help convince your potential employers that you’re capable of doing the job, and it will give you an advantage in the hiring process. If you do everything presented to you correctly, you’re sure to impress your readers and impress your potential employers.

Follow Up

After you’ve been working for a while, following up with a former employer is a good idea. This will show that you’re still capable of performing the job you were doing, and it will give your former employer the opportunity to remember you. Even if you don’t get the job you were hoping for, many places will remember your name and contact you if they have a job that fits your experience. Don’t be afraid to follow up with a phone call or an email a few weeks after you’ve completed the project. Trying to get the job you want without making the effort to show your former employer you still exist will hurt your chances of being considered for the position.

Develop An Online Presence

Depending on your field, you might not need a copywriting portfolio to get started. If you’re a graphic designer, for example, you can get a decent start by creating a small sample website. When applying for a job, make sure you demonstrate that you’ve got a portfolio by including a sample website you’ve created. This will make you more attractive to potential employers. If you don’t have a sample website yet, create one now. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just a simple, straight-forward site that contains the work you’ve done. Having a website will also make it easier for you to update your portfolio in the future. If you do everything else correctly, a website is often the final piece of the puzzle for potential employers. Without one, they might not even consider you for the job.

Join A Society Of Writers

Many places, including Writer’s Market, will list local societies of writers you can join. Simply search for your area, and you’ll find all the local writing groups. Joining a writing group is a great way to get your name out there, and it can also help you find jobs. The more you write, the more opportunities you’ll have. As a member of a writing group, you’ll be able to submit articles to publications and online directories for free. This can greatly increase your reach. Most groups will also allow you to network with other writers and try to get some articles published. This is a great way to get your foot in the door, and it can also help you find a job if you’re looking.

Network With Other Writers

If you’re looking for a job, don’t be afraid to network with other writers. The more connections you make, the better your chances of finding a job. If you can get a few samples published, you’ll have no trouble finding work. Many places, including Writer’s Market, will list publications looking for content creators. Simply search for listings that interest you, and you’ll have your pick of jobs. If you can’t find anything published, try contacting editors directly via email. Most places will not consider you for an interview unless you can get a sample published. This is true for most industries, so it’s always a good idea to keep your options open. When contacting an editor, make sure you’ve got a sample article you can send them. This will make you more attractive to potential employers. If you do everything else correctly, you’re sure to impress your readers and impress your potential employers.

A good copywriting portfolio can help you get started, but it’s also important to keep in touch with former colleagues and develop strong networks with other writers and editors. Make sure you put your portfolio in the hands of as many people as possible, and don’t be afraid to follow up with a phone call or an email a few weeks after you’ve completed the project. Doing everything shown to you, including following up, will give you the best shot at landing yourself a job.