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Should You Submit a Writing Sample for a Job?

There is no single, correct answer to this question, but it’s a common one. In fact, according to a recent report from the United Kingdom’s Graduate Survey, 62% of recent graduates had submitted a writing sample to gain employment. And, if that wasn’t worrying enough, 59% of those graduates were worried about whether or not their sample would be accepted. To put it simply, many students are caught in a catch-22 when it comes to getting their foot in the door—they need to prove their skills through a writing sample, but they fear doing this because there is no guarantee their sample will be accepted. This problem is made even more complicated by the fact that many graduate employers prefer candidates who have more experience, yet they don’t have enough time to provide job training.

This issue is made even more prominent in the context of higher education in the UK, where the cost of an education is high and the job market is tight. Consider that the average graduate student spends around four years of their time studying in university. During this time, they will likely have to consider securing employment, along with juggling study responsibilities, leaving little room for anything else. This is why, although it might not always be the case, it’s relatively common for students to turn to freelance writing as a means of making some extra cash while also proving their skills. However, this can leave them in a tricky position when it comes to getting a job—should they submit a writing sample, or not?

Here, we’ll explore the many reasons why you might want to submit a writing sample for a job, as well as the potential pitfalls you should be aware of if you do decide to go down this route.

Why Should You Submit a Writing Sample for a Job?

There are many good reasons why you should submit a writing sample for a job. Here are just a few of them.

  • You want to prove your skills. Many employers will want to see samples of your work to determine whether or not you have the raw talent they’re looking for. It would be a great way to impress a potential employer with your versatility—you’re not simply limited to one area of study.
  • You’re passionate about writing. If you’re truly confident that you have what it takes to be a successful freelance writer, why not apply for a job in this field? Having a portfolio of published work is also a great way to prove your qualifications to a potential employer.
  • You want to gain experience. Even if you do end up in a situation where your writing sample is accepted, don’t be disheartened—it will simply be another way for you to gain more experience.
  • You want to challenge yourself. Instead of just writing about the topics you’re asked to, why not try and write something unique? This could be anything from a press release for a company you’ve interviewed with, to a marketing plan for a new product, to a short story about a funny incident that happened to you. Don’t be afraid to put your creativity on display for the world to see—you never know, it might just push you to another level.
  • You want to diversify your CV. If you’re applying for jobs in several different industries, having a few different pieces of work on your CV is a great way to show your depth of knowledge. If they’ve never heard of your field of expertise, a press release or some sample writing could be the perfect way to shed some light on your subject matter.
  • You want to stand out from the crowd. Being the best writer in your field doesn’t mean much if you don’t stand out among your competition. One great way to do this is by putting in the extra effort to write a killer CV. Make sure you invest the time in learning the correct format and the necessary details about the job you’re applying for. Remember: good CVs get results!
  • You just want to be able to write. There are plenty of opportunities out there for those who can’t see themselves doing anything else. If you can write, why not go for it? You might just end up finding that it’s the best way to express yourself and the only way you know how.

What Are the Pitfalls of Submitting a Writing Sample for a Job?

Now, it’s important to remember that, as always, there are risks involved with any form of applying for jobs. Below, we’ll explore some of the pitfalls you need to be aware of if you decide to submit a writing sample for a job.