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What Services Does the Purdue OWL Offer?

It is sad to see how many individuals lose their jobs these days, especially since they usually are not the kind of people who would ask for help if they found themselves in trouble. However, for those who are looking for that extra boost in their resume or skills to better their job situation, then the Purdue Owl is the ideal place for them to be at this time, as it provides a variety of services for students, faculty, and staff.

This list will be discussing some of the things the Purdue Owl offers so that you can get an idea of what services they provide and whether or not they are worth it.

Employment Assistance

One of the main goals of the Purdue Owl is to help students attain gainful employment after they graduate, and for some, that could mean a career in academia. With many professorships being vacant, and the job market tight, it is imperative that students learn how to properly market themselves in order to get those coveted positions. The OWL offers an array of services designed to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop a strategy for employment, and track their progress. Some of these services are free, while others require a small fee.

The Global Health Services Center can connect you with over 170 physicians who are volunteering their time to train local healthcare professionals in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and other parts of Africa. If you are interested in volunteering or pursuing a career in international aid, this is the place to be. Just make sure you bring a laptop with you so that you can be connected to the internet while you are there.

Counseling And Career Services

Purdue has a counseling center that provides students with one-on-one counseling sessions with a trained professional who can help them work through their academic and personal issues. Students can also take advantage of group counseling sessions where they can discuss their problems with other students who are also experiencing difficulty in their studies. Some of these problems may even be caused by stress, family issues, or financial problems, and having a skilled person to speak to may make all the difference.

Purdue has also established a special Career Services department designed to assist students in exploring career options, developing a career plan, and finding that perfect job. This service is highly recommended for students who are looking for jobs, as it can help them get those crucial interviews that will ultimately lead them to a great employment opportunity.

Academic Research

Being a teaching university, the primary function of the Purdue Owl is to provide service to the faculty by acting as a liaison between members of the academic community and university administration, providing administrative and technical support, and acting as a point of contact for external stakeholders.

However, beyond their responsibilities to the academic community, the Purdue Owl also provides assistance to faculty with various aspects of their research, including:

  • Purdue’s premier database, the Web of Science;
  • PubMed;
  • ResearchGate;
  • Google Scholar;
  • EbscoHost; and
  • More

What is even more wonderful about this is that many of these databases are completely free, which means that even if you aren’t looking for faculty assistance, you still get to enjoy all the benefits of these scholarly research resources.

Staff Education And Development

The Purdue Owl provides training for staff in a variety of subjects, including but not limited to:

  • Matching Employment Needs To Talent Pool: A Survey Of Employers, (PHS Repository) ;
  • A Guide to Creating an Effective Teaching Style: The Role of Class, Style, and Grading, (PHS Repository) ;
  • Managing Your Personal Finances: Developing A Financial Strategy, (PHS Repository) ;
  • Protecting Copyright: A Guide to DMCA Compliance, (PHS Repository) ;
  • Developing a Successful LinkedIn Profile, (PHS Repository) ;
  • How to Properly Write a Research Paper, (PHS Repository) ;
  • Online Research for Dummies, ( (PHS Repository) );
  • and more!

All of these courses are available for free through the Purdue Virtual Library (PVL), which is a great way to learn more about any topic without having to worry about being physically present at a learning center.

Scholarships And Financial Aid

One of the main sources of revenue at Purdue is through the generous donations of philanthropists and individuals who believe in the university’s mission to educate students. Many universities offer scholarships and financial aid to students whose need is greater than their ability to pay, and in some cases, this need is totally unreachable without outside assistance. The Purdue Owl manages a number of funds and uses them to provide additional support for students who qualify.

The university makes every effort to keep up with the ever-changing world of higher education, which is why they have developed innovative teaching tools and strategies. They want to make sure that even if their methods seem antiquated, they will still be able to provide a quality education to their students.

Purdue has also created an amazing blog, which is filled with valuable information about higher education and tips on how to be a successful student. While it may not seem like it at first glance, the Purdue OWL is a resource that every student should have access to.

More Than Meets The Eye

If we forget about the services that the Purdue Owl provides, it is important to remember that they do so much more than just job search and career counseling. The university publishes a number of books and journals, offers a range of courses and programs, and maintains a research library.

Being a major research university, they also play an instrumental role in the dissemination of research, especially in the fields that they are most known for, which is why you will often see them featured on national news stories regarding cutting-edge research.

While some may see the Purdue Owl as just another poorly executed search engine that offers little more than a simple email address for job searching, it is so much more than that. If you happen to be in need of some assistance, then you should consider the wide array of services that the Purdue Owl has to offer.