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What are the Different Modules in a Copywriting Course?

One of the perks of studying in Australia is the access to a massive range of courses and universities, which open up a world of opportunity.

With a population of around 2.7 million, there are plenty of job opportunities for those pursuing higher education. This makes it an attractive place for international students to study. But, while the courses may be open to anyone, there are a variety of qualifications you may need to be a successful copywriter.

Here, we’ll run down the different modules you’ll encounter on a copywriting course in Australia, as well as explaining what you’ll need to know for each one.

English Language Requirements

If you’re not natively speaking English, you’ll need to learn the language before you head off to university. Thankfully, there is help available, with many English-taught institutions offering Bachelors in English as a Second Language (ESL).

While you’re there, you might as well pick up some Australian English whilst you’re at it – all the better to impress the locals with your accent when you visit.

Writing Assignment

Upon enrolment in a copywriting course, you’ll be assigned a weekly writing assignment – this could be done in a variety of ways, from short stories to newspaper articles. It’s up to you to decide how you’d like to tackle each task, but you’re likely to be required to write an article of around 500 words.

Regardless of the method of assignment, you must ensure that all the steps to complete the task are laid out clearly. You’ll then be required to submit the piece, along with a brief research paper on the topic – in other words, all the essential elements needed to write a professional-looking piece. As a minimum, you should aim to submit at least one short story to complete each assignment.

As you work through the tasks, you’ll learn how to structure a paper, identify main points, and use appropriate English (including the correct verb tenses). Above all else, you must learn to write creatively and compellingly so that your articles and stories engage and inspire your readers.

Introduction To Copywriting

Once you’ve mastered the basics of writing, you’ll be introduced to the fascinating world of copywriting. Essentially, copywriting is the art of marketing via written media – in other words, writing for other people to read. You’ll be introduced to various styles of writing, including fact-checking, pitching, and copyblogging, which you’ll need to know how to do professionally.

Whilst you’re there, you may as well pick up some Aussie phrases to impress the locals with your accent when you visit. Who knows? You might even make a few friends along the way.

Online Research

As part of your course, you’ll be required to undertake some online research. This could take the form of a short search on a specific topic, or a lengthy investigation into an issue that occupies your mind. Whatever you do, make sure that you gather as much reliable information as possible – otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time when you attempt to write your paper. Remember: the more you know, the more you’ll be able to write persuasively and creatively.


You’ll have to write a thesis for your final paper – around 10-15,000 words, in length. Whilst your goal is to produce a well-written and engaging piece, you must keep the academic integrity of your work in mind. Make sure that you include references to reliable sources, and that you cite all the material you use in your work.


It’s important to learn to be professional at all times, whether you’re dealing with other individuals or businesses. Professions such as law and medicine demand a high degree of professionalism, so ensure that you keep up with the latest trends and customs of your chosen profession.

In the end, you’re only as good as your last piece of work. Make sure that you work hard to produce your best work throughout your studies, and look for ways to improve as a writer.

To get the most from your studies, you must put in the necessary effort. This might mean researching topics you are not familiar with, learning a new skill, or simply attending class regularly. Whatever you do, just make sure that you find the effort worthwhile.