When you’re applying to university, one of the most important things to consider is what major you should study. This decision will affect you for the rest of your life, so it’s important to make the right choice. In order to do this, it’s essential that you understand exactly what your major will lead to. Here’s a brief guide to what major will help you achieve your goals. And, perhaps most importantly, what major won’t help you at all!
An Education
If you want to become a creative writer, then a major in English will certainly get you there. With plenty of jobs in the industry, you’ll be able to secure a good salary and live the life of a writer. It’s essential that you understand this is not a fast-tracked route to professional success. You will need to put in the hours and work hard to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. Getting a degree in creative writing is ideal for those who want to pursue a career in writing. If you have a particular interest in novel writing, you can further your studies in English literature. This will give you the opportunity to research and understand how literature works. Hopefully, this knowledge will serve you well when writing your own novel. If you enjoy reading, you can take a gap year to improve your writing skills and gain more experience. After your year of study, you will have the opportunity to apply for a job as an assistant or freelance writer. It’s important to note that not all writers work in offices. Many prefer to work remotely from home, where they can be their own boss and set their own hours. Freelancing is a great route to explore, as it will give you the opportunity to write what you want and when you want. As well as being your own boss, you will also be able to set your own rates, which may not be fixed.
A Career
If you want to become a journalist, then an English degree will get you there quicker than you think. Many newspapers and magazines now recruit solely on the basis of an applicant’s degree, regardless of their previous experience. With the world shifting to a digital sphere, it’s becoming even more important to have a steady stream of content. Whether you want to become a freelance journalist or a staff writer for a publication, you will certainly have no trouble finding work in this field. Many would-be journalists get a degree in English, then use the media skills they’ve learned to write for publications such as student newspapers and university magazines. If you have a particular interest in the media world, then consider studying Journalism at university. You could even get a master’s degree in English, then go back to university to do your Ph.D. In most cases, this is a popular choice among would-be journalists, as it leads to quicker employment and better pay. If you want to write about sports, you can get a job at a daily newspaper, covering local sporting events. For those who love to read, magazines often offer great opportunities to write about a wide range of topics. From celebrity news to fashion or lifestyle pieces, there’s a lot of scope for writers who want to pursue this career. As well as offering interesting topics, magazines are also always on the lookout for new writers. So, if you’re passionate about writing, then this is the field for you.
A Research Career
If you want to go into research, then an English degree will get you there quicker than you think. There’s an abundance of PhD positions available in this field, particularly in science. Whether you want to study marine biology or astrophysics, there’s a lot of opportunity out there. Many large institutions, such as universities, have their own research institutes that they fund through their grants. If you’re looking to get into research, then look no further. However, if you want to write about research, then consider a career in journalism. Many reporters get a degree in science or economics, then use their knowledge to write valuable material for magazines. From in-depth interviews with leading scientists to tracking the latest academic papers, journalists have an abundance of material to work with. And, if you’re really feeling adventurous, you can apply for a job at a scientific institution, either as a researcher or a journalist. In most cases, this will be a paid job, but you will need to apply for funding to cover your tuition fees.
An Academic Career
If you want to go into academia, then an English degree will get you there quicker than you think. With plenty of job opportunities available, you’ll be able to secure a good salary and good teaching experience. This will put you on the right track to a successful career. Whether you want to be a professor at a major university or a junior faculty member at a smaller institution, you will certainly be able to find work. One of the best things about going into academia is the flexibility. You can do your own research, teach, or both, depending on what suits you best. While some prefer to focus on teaching, research is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. For those who want to teach, university careers departments often have job vacancies, particularly in the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). For those who want to do research, there are a variety of positions available, from post-docs to technical assistants. One of the most prestigious positions in academia is that of professor. A professor’s duties include teaching, mentoring, and conducting research. Many people who become professors enjoy a rich and rewarding life. They get to explore a variety of topics in relative freedom, with ample resources at their disposal. It’s a great job for those who want to enjoy life and still achieve something worthwhile.
There are many different careers that you can choose to study. Whether you want to become a journalist, a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, or a scientist, there’s a lot of opportunity out there. It’s vital that you consider your interests and what you want out of life. Think about what makes you happy and go from there. And don’t forget – with the right qualifications and plenty of hard work, anything is possible.