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What Major is Best for Creative Writing?

There are many reasons why you might want to study creative writing, whether you plan on writing novels or screenplays or you just want to be able to tell stories. One of the most popular majors in this realm is English, and in this article, we’ll discuss what major is best for creative writing and why.

General Education

The first and most obvious reason why you might want to study creative writing is to become a better writer. Creative writing is all about putting words in the right order and using the right words to create a story that is unique and interesting. You’ll learn to craft narratives, perform creative research, and practice active listening. These are all necessary skills for any writer, regardless of whether you plan on becoming a professional or a hobbyist.

English Language And Literature

Many people assume that English is best for creative writing because most of the jobs in this realm require you to write creatively. While this is true, the study of English language and literature will help you become a better writer in any genre. The more you know about the English language, the more you will know about story structure and the various forms of narrative prose. You’ll learn about how language interacts with the environment and how symbols and signs carry meaning in English and other languages. Knowing that all stories and poems are made up of similar basic elements, such as setting, character, and plot, helps you see the forest through the trees when you write your own stories and poems.


If you don’t believe in God, why would you want to study theology? Because you might want to write a paper defending your position on the existence of God or discussing the attributes of God, the afterlife, or the origin of evil. You’ll learn how to think critically and how to analyze different religions and their messages, as well as how to form your own beliefs. Many people believe that God is the best teacher because he gives you everything you need to learn, but he also expects you to make your own mistakes and to think for yourself. This is why theology is ideal for those who want to become better writers.


If you’re interested in writing for a career in science, you might want to consider studying bioengineering or chemistry. These subjects are quite useful when it comes to writing because a large proportion of modern journalism and non-fiction uses authentic scientific research to provide contextual information for the reader. You’ll learn how to take various chemicals and mixtures and how to break them down into their basic components. Learning how to write science is quite easy because you’ll just have to follow a few rules and learn how to cite your sources correctly. However, if you want to be able to write creatively and effectively, you might consider studying either chemistry or biology because those are the two subjects that you’ll find most useful for creative writing in general.


If you have a passion for writing but no particular interest in the realms of journalism or literature, you might want to consider studying business. You’ll learn a lot about the business world and how to become a more effective communicator and public speaker. You’ll learn how to research the market and how to analyze different markets and their trends, as well as how to design business plans and strategies. This is quite a broad major that you should consider for those who want to become better writers.


If you don’t believe that literature is the key to becoming a better writer, you might want to consider studying art. You’ll learn a lot about traditional and non-traditional painting, photography, and 3D art design. You’ll have the opportunity to become an expert in one or two of these areas, but you’ll have to decide which one you’d like to specialize in. Many professionals in this field become better writers because they are able to express themselves through the various visual languages that they learn. While art is quite a broad major, it does contain a lot of useful information and will educate you about different storytelling techniques that you might not learn about in literature.


If you’re interested in writing for a career in history, you might want to consider studying American history or European history. These subjects will give you the chance to learn about significant events that shaped the world we live in today, as well as the people and cultures that contributed to the development of civil society. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to research various historical figures and find out what made them who they were and what happened during their lifetimes. Learning how to write history is quite easy because you’ll just have to learn how to cite your sources correctly and keep accurate timelines of events and information. This is one of the more useful and creative writing minors that you might consider.

Political Science

People interested in writing for a career in politics will find the study of political science quite useful. You’ll learn a lot about the theory and practice of democracy, as well as how to analyze different government structures and inform your choice of governmental system. If you don’t have any interest in becoming a politician, you might want to consider studying law or economics because those are the subjects that you’ll find most useful for writing. Even if you do end up becoming a politician, the study of political science will help you become a better writer and analyst.


If you don’t believe that journalism is the key to becoming a better writer, you might want to consider studying English as a second language. Journalism is the practice of gathering and disseminating information, and most people in this field are required to write creatively. You’ll learn a lot about news writing, editing, and reporting, which all require you to be a good and creative writer. Many beginners choose to specialize in journalism because it is one of the more flexible majors that there is and they can always find temporary work as a freelancer or intern. This is one of the more useful and creative writing minors that you might consider, especially if you don’t have any other major.

Literary Journalism

If you don’t want to become a full-time journalist and you believe that literature is more your thing, you might want to consider studying literary journalism. You’ll learn a lot about the history of journalism and the various fields that it encompasses, as well as how to create and report stories using various literary forms. This is quite a flexible major because while you are required to learn about journalism, you are also encouraged to explore other areas of interests and specialties within the field. Many students who study this minor end up going on to great things, such as becoming authors or journalists themselves and helping to found publications and media houses.


If you’re interested in writing for a career in education, you’ll find the study of English and educational psychology quite useful. While you’re studying these subjects, you’ll have the chance to apply what you’ve learned to create lesson plans and curriculum, as well as to develop assessment and evaluation tools. Some experts even believe that English is the second most difficult language to master behind Chinese because it is the mother tongue of science, technology, and business. This makes it quite suitable for those who want to become better writers in these fields.

No matter which major you choose, you’ll end up studying English and you’ll have the necessary skills to become a better writer. The choice is entirely up to you!