A bachelors degree in creative writing is a stepping stone to a successful career, but it isn’t the only one. There are many opportunities for writers, editors, and proofreaders with lower degrees, as well as those who don’t have one at all. Below, you’ll discover several possibilities.
Editing And Publishing
If you’ve followed the publishing industry for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed a trend toward reducing the size of a book’s print run. As a result, fewer people are having their books completed by editors and published by writers. Instead, they prefer to self-publish or find an independent publisher. This presents a unique opportunity for an editor or a publisher who can understand the needs of this growing audience.
On the other hand, writers who want to become editors or publishers usually start out as fact-checkers or interns. Since the responsibilities of an editor or a publisher are fairly light, they can be done remotely (i.e., from home).
Journalism And Publishing
Traditional journalists who want to branch out of publishing and into online journalism may find comfort in the broad array of bachelors degrees available in digital journalism. Most journalists learn the ins and outs of fact-checking, interviewing, and reporting on the fly, and the degree will give you a leg up in the industry. It’s not just about having a degree, either; you’ll need to prove you have the smarts to keep up with the trends in technology.
Writing For Fictional Characters
The growing popularity of literary fiction and the incredible level of detail that many readers demand makes fictional characters a great source of employment for writers. If you’ve got a knack for bringing characters to life through your writing, consider doing so for a living. The most popular series of fictional characters with which students tend to identify are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Jekyll, as well as a number of those who patrol the halls of academia. If your dream is to write for an audience that includes fictional characters, then consider this option as well.
Ghostwriter For Publishers, Journalists, And Celebrities
If you’ve got an ear for languages and you can meet the demands of ghostwriting for foreign and established English-speaking authors, you could have your pick of jobs. While the pay isn’t great, it’s certainly better than waiting tables or trying to make it as a solo artist. Most reputable publishers and media companies will have a few projects they need help with, so you’ll certainly have the opportunity to build up a portfolio.
Magazine Founder, Senior Adviser, And Publisher
If you’ve got a knack for getting people to open their wallets and purses, consider doing so for a living. Magazine founders, senior advisers, and publishers frequently need someone to bring in more business and more subscriptions. If you’ve got a proven track record for recruiting new readers, consider showing some initiative and creating a pitch to get them excited about joining a new magazine. While you’re at it, consider combining your talents and getting a bachelors degree in magazine marketing.
The responsibility of a magazine publisher is never done. There are always new opportunities to take on, and the work can be both exhilarating and stressful. If this sounds like a job description that sounds good to you, then consider this option as well.
Freelance Writer, Proofreader, And/Or Editing Service
If none of the above pique your interest, consider becoming a freelance writer or editing service. There’s plenty of work available, and it often takes some ingenuity to figure out the right fit. For example, while most editing services work with businesses, you could consider doing so much more. The key is to find a way to be indispensable to the person you’re working for and build a relationship with.
As a freelance writer, you’ll be given a task and expected to produce content that meets the requirements of the task. However, beyond that, you’ll be on your own. Fortunately, the range of bachelors degrees available means there’s plenty of opportunity for those looking for a career in writing to find the right fit.