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Home ยป What Job Should I Have While Writing Fiction On the Side?

What Job Should I Have While Writing Fiction On the Side?

If you’re an avid reader then you no doubt have wondered about the logistics of writing a book, or about the process of becoming an author. In general, writing a book is a time-consuming endeavor, and aside from the time invested in writing, you’ll need to devote even more time to promoting and selling your book. Many authors, therefore, choose to combine their love of writing with another career. What’s an indie author to do?

Fortunately, many traditional workplaces allow for flexible hours and remote work, so you might be able to find a way to fit your writing schedule around your other commitments. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the many possibilities available to an indie author, focusing on jobs that allow for remote work and flexibility in the hours.

A Literary Agent To Help Close Deals

A literary agent is an individual who functions as a go-between for publishers and authors for the purpose of selling books. Literary agents exist to help authors navigate the ever-changing world of publishing, and they may act as a liaison between the author and the publisher. Agents can help negotiate the terms of a publishing contract, get the book into stores, and generally help the author navigate the business side of publishing.

Literary agents typically require a substantial amount of ongoing work, so it’s important to be choosy about the agencies with which you establish a business relationship. Consider the size of your existing social network, as well as whether you want to engage with a literary agency that specializes in representing fiction from smaller, independent publishers. The decision-making process regarding an agent can be rather complicated, so take your time in choosing one that will provide you with the best service possible.

A Media Coach To Shape Your Public Personality

A media coach is a professional who works with individuals to help them become better media performers. Media coaches help clients improve their image, content, and delivery through the use of psychological research, advanced communications technology, and a bit of creative coaching. The goal of the media coach is to help the client present themselves in the best possible light to journalists, bloggers, and the general public.

A media coach will help you to become more comfortable in the spotlight, whether by giving you advice on how to respond to press inquiries or by helping to shape your public personality and online presence. A qualified media coach will have had considerable experience in working with high-profile clients and will be able to give you sound advice on how to optimize your value as a business owner, brand, or product. Additionally, you may want to consider taking a course on communications or digital marketing, both of which a media coach could help you to improve your skills in.

A Public Relations Agent To Get Your Book On TV And Digital Media

A public relations agent is someone who helps you to connect your product or service with influential people and stakeholders. A public relations agent will help to get your book on TV and digital media, whether that’s mainstream media such as newspapers or magazines, or social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram. A public relations agent can be an invaluable resource, helping you to connect with journalists who are likely to cover your topic and giving you the tools to effectively pitch your story. Additionally, a public relations agent can help to establish you as an expert in your industry and give you the credibility to speak about current events or prominent individuals related to your niche.

The use of public relations and digital marketing to promote your book can be a very effective way of attracting potential readers, and a vital part of your overall marketing strategy. Many people choose to combine their love of writing with another career because they want to be able to follow their dreams and make money from their literary efforts. If you’re passionate about what you do and believe in the value of your product, then why not take advantage of the opportunities that exist outside of traditional publishing? Find a way to fit your schedule around your writing, and continue building your audience, and before you know it, publication may be just around the corner!