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Home ยป What’s the Best Job for a Reading, Writing, and Forging Career?

What’s the Best Job for a Reading, Writing, and Forging Career?

Even though you may have heard of people being turned down for jobs because of their skills, there are actually plenty of careers out there that can use those same skills. While many people think that being a doctor or a lawyer is the only way to go, there are several occupations where you can develop those same skills but in different ways. Below, you will discover several different occupations that allow you to combine your love of reading, writing, and forges with a new set of skills that can be valuable in today’s world.

An Actor’s Life

If you have an acting background and you love talking, then an acting career is probably the best fit. Actors work for various companies and many of those companies are willing to train and develop their employees as well as pay them fairly well. You might not get a huge break right away, but with any luck, you will end up in a good auditioning position. There are plenty of roles available for actors these days and if you can find a part in a respected TV show or film, you can probably make a living at it. You will have to put in the work to make it happen, but as an actor, that’s what you’re used to.

Being an actor is very demanding. You will be required to put in a lot of hours and chances are, you won’t be able to keep up with the deadlines if you want to keep afloat. On top of that, you will have to look for jobs that fit your acting schedule and sometimes that means turning down offers because you don’t want to break your schedule. Many actors struggle with agency instability and lack of jobs because they can’t seem to navigate the busy schedule efficiently.

A Journalist’s Life

A journalist’s life can also be very exciting and at the same time, very challenging. On the one hand, you have the ability to write about whatever you want and on the other hand, you have a boss who likely doesn’t know much about journalism and will try to make you conform to their ideas of how a journalist should behave. The opportunities for a journalist are endless, but so are the challenges. You will have to decide whether you want to be a regular contributor to a local newspaper or a freelancer who goes through assignments quickly and gets paid after each one is completed. Some journalists prefer to work for a wire service because they can provide them with plenty of content and since they are a respected name, their content usually gets significant exposure. In any case, it is possible to make a living as a journalist and there are plenty of opportunities out there if you have the right skillset.

Even though you may not get the big bucks right away, you will certainly be able to put food on your table and have some sort of standard of living. The key is to prove yourself to be a capable journalist with a talent for writing and foraging. You can then slowly build your reputation and gain access to higher profile publications. Eventually, you can become the go-to person for your industry. The only thing is, you will have to put in the work to get there. Just imagine if you can build a name for yourself as a good reporter, eventually, someone might actually offer you a job!

A Sports Reporter’s Life

Sports journalism is one of the growing industries and if you have a knack for writing, then this could be the right fit for you. There will always be an audience for sports and while the pay isn’t great, it’s better than being a couch potato all day. If you are a fast-paced person who thrives on adrenaline, then a sports reporter’s life can be very exciting. You will go from game to game, analyzing each one with a keen eye for detail. You might just enjoy the fast pace of a sports journalist’s life and even if you don’t enjoy it too much, at least you will be able to put food on the table. There is certainly no dearth of jobs for sports journalists, especially since many traditional papers are now wading through financial trouble and are cutting back on staff. It might not be the dream job that you had in mind when you were young, but it can be a great opportunity to combine your love of writing with your skills.

You will have to do your research and figure out which sporting events you will cover and which teams you will follow. As a general rule of thumb, you will want to find a paper that has a solid reputation when it comes to reporting on its sport and has a history of being independent. Check out these top tier U.S. sports papers so that you can get a sense of what we mean:

  • The Athletic: A National Football League (NFL) paper that is committed to providing fans with the most comprehensive coverage of the games.
  • Sporting News: A National Basketball Association (NBA) paper that is often credited with kicking off the Sports Journalism era.
  • The Denver Post: An American Soccer League (ASL) paper that is also owned by the Denver newspaper group.
  • The Los Angeles Times: An American Football League (AFL) paper that is also the largest newspaper in the country.
  • USA Today: An AFL paper that often has national attention due to its size and influence.
  • The New York Times: One of the most influential papers in the country and the standard-bearer of modern journalism.
  • The Wall Street Journal: The flagship of the Dow Jones Index and a regular supplier to the media.
  • The Washington Post: The most reputable newspaper in the country and a standard bearer of American journalism.
  • The Chicago Tribune: A Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper that was founded in a time when papers were a way of life.

As you can see above, there are numerous options available to those with an interest in writing, reporting, and sports. Each of these occupations offers a unique opportunity to combine your talents and specialize in something that you are passionate about. If you can manage to put in the work, you can quickly build a steady income stream and enjoy your work while you provide for your family’s needs. The downside is that these industries can be quite competitive and it can be difficult to get your foot in the door. If you want to break into sports journalism, you have to have a keen interest in the field and you need to be prepared to put in the work to get the training you need to make it happen. You also need to be ready to deal with extreme competition. Getting a job at a major publication is no easy feat and unless you have connections, it can be quite difficult to land a stable job. Make sure you are ready to take on the world and are backed by a strong work ethic. In any case, these are exciting times to be a part of.