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How to Write a Copy That Clicks

When a company launches a new product, it’s usually a desperate scramble to get in front of customers and make them understand why they need what you are selling. You never know how many times your product will be tried and tested before it is finally ‘discovered’ by the buying public, but this is often the case with new product launches. One reason why this is so is that, frequently, the person that comes up with the idea for the product isn’t the same person that can articulate the value that your product brings. In other words, they are left to the marketers and sales people to do the explaining in terms of how to utilize the new product.

Curate A Compelling Sales Pitch For Prospects Who Are Already Interested In Your Product

If you’re in sales and you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you’re already busy building a list of potential customers who are interested in your product. Rest assured, I am not assuming anything negative about you or your abilities. Far from it.

What I am assuming is that you’re wondering how to effectively pitch your product to these already interested customers. When it comes to customer acquisition and engagement, it’s all about the value that you bring. In other words, what is the impact that your product has on the life of your customer? Creating a compelling sales pitch for prospects who are already interested in your product is a great way to hit the ground running when it comes to gaining traction.

The Importance Of Taking Customer Feedback Seriously

Customers are a great source of information about your product and how to make it better. Sometimes this takes the form of structured feedback delivered via a survey, sometimes it takes the form of a product demo or review, and sometimes it just takes the form of a recommendation. While none of these are bad, taking customer feedback seriously is only effective if you act on it.

Taking customer feedback seriously doesn’t mean that you have to agree with everything that they say, but it does mean that you have to understand where they are coming from and what their perspective is. In other words, you have to cultivate an ‘open mind’ when it comes to new ideas and approaches. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself paralyzed by indecision, because you won’t be able to distinguish between what is actually valuable input and what is just noise.

Make Sure That You Practice With Simpler Tasks First

When you are first getting started, it is imperative that you tackle the simplest tasks first. This will help you build your confidence and competence. For example, if you are writing a sales page and encounter a problem, rather than trying to fix that problem by writing an entire page of complicated copy, go back to the drawing board and try again with something simpler. This is akin to putting your best foot forward – your first effort should be something that you can polish up a little bit more before you put it in front of a real audience. Once you get that first task finished, you can move on to the next one and so on. This approach will help you avoid overwhelming anxiety when faced with a creative task. It’s always comforting to know that there is usually more than one way to tackle a problem, and if you hit upon one that seems odd or tricky, there are people who can help you discover a more straightforward solution. In the meantime, you can always ask questions, seek help, or review the FAQ section of your website for information.

Don’t Be Fooled By Impressions

When you’re writing customer copy for the very first time, it’s easy to be seduced by the seeming success of other marketing departments and be tempted into emulating their style and tone. While very effective for attracting attention and increasing traffic, this is all the more reason to be wary of getting too ‘flocked’ by the apparent ease with which other marketers have accomplished this. If you strip away all the trappings and take a step back, you will see that these are simply fancy words and pretty pictures designed to make you click and buy. When it comes to your own copy, make sure that you resist the urge to resort to these types of ploys and instead focus on what is important to your unique target audience. As a very general rule, if you want to increase sales, always opt for credibility over awesomeness.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

In most sports, the way that you win is by keeping your eye on the prize and not getting distracted by the cheering crowd or the flashy outfits of the competitors. When you are writing copy for marketing purposes, this is even more important. If you are constantly shifting your attention to the aesthetic delight of the moment or the popularity of the bandwagon, then you are guaranteed to produce bland, boring, and ineffective copy. Instead, when you sit down to write, put your best foot forward and keep your eye on the ball. This means, primarily, that you must constantly keep the value proposition at the forefront of your thoughts, while still crafting a compelling narrative that will engage and eventually persuade your audience to make a purchase. When you are done, you will have a well-written and highly effective sales pitch that will generate real results for your company.