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Home » What is Work Market and Why Should You Use It?

What is Work Market and Why Should You Use It?

Let’s admit it, searching for a job can be pretty frustrating. Especially when you consider how many dead-end results you get from a simple search on Google. After all, who wants to work in an office for the rest of their life when they could be out travelling the world and living their best life?

The truth is there’s a lot of career choice options out there that you might not have considered. Maybe you’re meant to be a social worker, maybe you were born to be a doctor, and there are numerous other opportunities out there. The issue is how to find the right fit for you. This is where things can start to look pretty grim, because all of a sudden, your options start to feel more limited. You’ll have to narrow things down to a select few and hope that they’re the right fit. Or, you’ll have to move around a bit until you find the right position for you.

Why Should You Try Work Market?

Work Market is a free online job finder that makes the process of finding the perfect fit for you much easier. Once you’re registered with them, you’ll see a map with your local area highlighted. This is where you should focus your search, as everything else will be handled by the platform.

Think of all the times you’ve searched for a job online. You’ll undoubtedly have noticed that most sites try to sell you some sort of service. That’s not why you came to Work Market—at least, not originally. The founders of the site wanted to create a reliable resource for job seekers that wouldn’t come with any hidden fees. And as a person looking for a job, I can say I’m pretty impressed with what they’ve achieved.

How Does It Work?

Let’s take a quick look behind the scenes of how Work Market functions.

In order to provide value to employers and individuals, the platform has to make money somehow. Thankfully, this isn’t a free site, and they’re a for-profit business. Employers pay to have their jobs listed on the site, and individuals can use the service to find jobs that fit their profile. When someone clicks on a job and sends a resume, Employer X won’t know if they’ll end up working for Company Y or Company Z. All they know is that they paid to have their job posted on the site, and someone clicked on it.

This is where the value lies. Without this vital piece of information, there’s no guarantee that they’d be able to provide value to anyone. The flip side is that the same way you’ll be compensated for using their service, so will their employers. You’ll see a lot of job offers from brands like Uber, which also means you might get a nice bonus when you work there. But if you’re worried about whether or not you’ll be able to find a job when you’re looking, you should consider Work Market.


There are several features you’ll find useful when working with Work Market. First off, it has a detailed skillset section. This is particularly valuable because it allows you to search for jobs specific to your skillset. If you have a degree in Business Management but are looking for jobs in Marketing, you’ll be able to find them easily.

Next, it has a section where you can upload your resume. This is a great place for you to showcase your skills and relevant experience. It also means that if a recruiter is looking for someone with your exact skillset, they might stumble upon your resume and be able to reach out to you. And last but not least, it has a handy job search bar at the top of the homepage. This is a great place to keep track of what jobs you’ve found and what are the most recent jobs posted. Looking for a job can be time-consuming, and it’s easy to lose track of where you are in the endless sea of job listings. The search bar helps to keep track of all of this, so you can stay focused on the value-added parts of the process.

The Downsides

Even though there are a lot to like about Work Market, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind. The first is that they are a for-profit business. This means that although they’ll do everything they can to get you a job, it doesn’t mean that they’ll do everything in their power to keep it. Just like any other for-profit business, if they don’t make money, they might not be able to stay in business. Keep this in mind when considering the value and reliability of the service.

Next, and probably the biggest downside to using Work Market, is that it doesn’t have any native apps. As a job seeker, it would be great to have a portable app that lets me quickly search for jobs, apply for them, and get notified when there’s a response. Even though it’s not a deal breaker, it’s still a downside. Especially since they do have a mobile-friendly website, you can use your mobile device to access the site just as easily as you would on a desktop.

To their credit, the team behind Work Market has registered the domain, so if they do go under, at least you’ll be able to retrieve all of your valuable information. Just make sure you notify the domain registrar as soon as possible if this happens.

In conclusion, although there are a lot of downsides to using Work Market, it’s still relatively young and has a lot of potential to become something great. If you’re searching for a job, you might consider giving it a try. Just make sure you do your research before you make any kind of decision.

Is worth using? Visit the site to find out.