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Home ยป What is the Cost of the Professional Writing Degree Online at NYU?

What is the Cost of the Professional Writing Degree Online at NYU?

If you’re thinking about becoming a professional writer, it’s a good idea to find out what kind of education and training is necessary to become a professional. While there is no set formula, there are some basic guidelines you need to follow in order to achieve the goal of becoming a professional writer. With higher education becoming increasingly accessible due to the rise of online learning, there are now more options than ever before for people looking to advance their career in writing. The following will discuss the costs associated with various degrees in professional writing at New York University, including both on-campus and online degrees.

The Basics: What is Professional Writing?

Before you start racking up the bills, let’s be clear on what exactly we’re discussing here. When someone mentions writing, most people automatically think about books or articles for publication. While these are both forms of professional writing, there is so much more to it. For starters, being a writer means different things to different people. Some regard it as a hobby or a creative outlet, while others see it as a career. As a writer, you will need to be able to take any subject matter and communicate it to the reader in an interesting and engaging way.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the various degrees available to students who want to pursue a career in professional writing. As mentioned above, not all writers will go on to become highly paid professionals, so you need to be prepared to face this eventuality early on in your writing career. With this in mind, let’s take a quick look at the various degrees available to those who want to pursue a career in writing.

Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English)

This is the basic writing degree and one of the most popular degrees among students interested in becoming writers. If you’ve ever applied for a job as a writer and were assigned to complete a writing sample, you’ll more than likely have been asked to complete an English analysis of some sort. While this can be an interesting assignment for a writer who hasn’t touched an English language publication in years, it isn’t exactly what will stand you in good stead when trying to break into the field. Instead, your BA in English will give you the writing and speaking skills necessary to become a competent professional writer. It also equips you with the theoretical frameworks you need to understand what makes for effective literature.

Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (BA Creative Writing)

If you’re looking to specialize in creative writing, then a BA in Creative Writing is what you’re after. Being a creative writer doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to produce something original, as there are plenty of famous literary works that were heavily influenced by other writers’ works. However, what it does mean is that you have the flexibility to take any subject and craft it into an engaging story. Being a creative writer can also mean being able to take a conventional idea and give it a new spin, making it more interesting to the reader. For example, many people have told me that my short stories are quite clever, but it’s hard for others to understand the sheer intellect that is required to come up with something as clever as that.

Master of Arts in Creative Writing (M.A. Creative Writing)

The standard master of arts in creative writing program at a reputable university should include at least 30 semester hours of classes, along with a thesis or dissertation project. While this is undoubtedly a lot of work, it’s not exactly what you’d call a “light” graduate degree. Those who complete this program are typically well-versed in both the theoretical and practical aspects of creative writing. Specifically, you will work with your advisor to choose a topic for your thesis or dissertation and develop a plan of attack to carry it out. Because this is such a highly specialized degree, you will need to demonstrate not only your talent as a writer but also your intellectual capacity. In other words, you will need to prove that you have the brains as well as the talent to go with the writing.

Those who attain this degree often go on to become prominent figures in their chosen field. For example, the director of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where the Master of Arts degree is offered, has said that students who complete the program represent “the best of the best” in terms of their writing and intellectual abilities. Ultimately, the decision about what degree to pursue depends on you and what you’ll use it for. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, a good rule of thumb is to get the one that guarantees you an opportunity to specialize in your chosen field.

Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Writing (Ph.D. Creative Writing)

The doctor of philosophy in creative writing is a rather unique degree because it requires you to not only show an ability to write but prove that you have the ability to think analytically. Essentially, the doctor of philosophy in creative writing is designed for people who want to explore the theoretical underpinnings of creative writing and show an ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Additionally, your ability to carry out a lengthy written analysis is one of the many things you’re expected to show after completing this rather difficult degree.

Master of Science in Digital Storytelling (MS Digital Storytelling)

If your dream is to become a journalist, then this is the degree for you. This is a very specific degree that teaches you about the business side of journalism, including how to write compelling articles for popular online publications. Students who complete this degree are often expected to become editors of online publications or work for a wire service, such as a newspaper or magazine. In other words, this is the journalism degree for people who want to go into media and be able to write engaging stories that attract and retain an audience.

The good news is that with more people leaning towards online education, there are more opportunities than ever before to advance your career as a writer. No matter what stage you’re at, whether you’re just starting out or are looking to break into the field, there are options available to you.