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What Is the Biggest Mistake Job Seekers Make When Writing Cover Messages?

When writing a cover message, there are a few standard things you must keep in mind. You want to make sure that your writing is effective and compelling. You also want to make sure that your cover message reaches the right person. After all, you only have one chance to impress a potential employer. Your cover letter is no different than your resume. It is your first impression. You want to make sure that it is memorable and effective.

The Wrong Person

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make when writing their cover letter is selecting the wrong person to respond to. By selecting the wrong person, you are guaranteeing that your cover letter will not be read or, at the very least, will be ignored. In addition to the fact that you are not connecting with the right person, you are also wasting your time writing to someone who will not be able to help you. Always write your cover letter to someone who can actually help you get a job. That is the whole purpose of a cover letter, to get you noticed. It is not to be ignored as a lost cause.


Another common mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is going overboard with describing their previous work experiences. While it is important to include your relevant work history in your cover letter, you also want to keep things interesting. Include enough relevant information to make the reader interested in learning more about you, but not so much information that the reader becomes confused or loses interest. Think of the last time you went to a job interview. You were most likely asked several questions about your previous work experiences. Sometimes the recruiter or hiring manager will even ask you to write a short job description for them. If you went into too much detail about your past jobs, your interviewer may become bored or distracted. This is extremely important if you want the reader to actually look at your cover letter. Keep things interesting and make it stand out. The more your reader is interested in what you have to say, the more they will read your letter.

Going Too Much Into The Past

While it is important to include your relevant work history in your cover letter, you also want to keep things interesting. You do not want to write a lengthy letter about your previous work experiences. Once you have written the letter, take a few moments to think of what else you could include in it. Maybe you have a skill that could be beneficial to the company. You could also describe a situation that you had to handle or an interesting project you worked on. Whatever you do, make sure that it is pertinent to the position you are applying for. Your readers will not have the time to go through your entire life story. Keep things relevant and interesting.

Too Many Details

Another mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is giving too much information. Sometimes they will include too much information about their education, too many job applications, or even entire resumes. The reader usually becomes overwhelmed by all the information and does not have the time to go through it all. Remember, your cover letter is not a lengthy letter. Keep it to a minimum. You want your readers to get the main point of your letter. Unless the reader is interested in your entire background, include only relevant information. Your letter should be no longer than two pages. If possible, make the first page concise and to the point.

Even though writing a cover letter is not as difficult as you would think it is, there are still a few things you should keep in mind. By selecting the right person to write to, keeping things interesting, and keeping it concise, you can assure yourself that you are doing everything in your power to get the job you want. Good luck!