The Amon Unit of Writing for a Job is used when you are being graded on the quality of your writing. It is the part of the English HSC that counts the number of words you have used and the complexity of your grammar. You will only be writing one piece of academic writing, using this unit of writing.
The Role of the Editor
Your editor is someone who is going to be reading your work and suggesting ways in which you can make it better. They may also comment on specific parts of your writing or suggest alternative ways of putting things. For example, let’s say you are writing a letter to a friend and you want to include a long quotation. Your editor will most likely suggest that you might want to shorten the quotation or move the quotation to the beginning of the letter. Or, they may suggest you include more information about the subject matter discussed in the quotation. Your editor is there to help you make your work the best it can be.
The Difference in Quality
When you write using the A.U.W.J, you are aiming for a certain level of quality. This means that you are trying to use language that is formal, precise, and easy to understand. The difference between these three qualities is significant and it shows when you compare your work to that of a professional. You are scoring yourself as you go along, so the more you write, the better you will be able to assess your progress. The unit of writing is not easy and you are expected to do your research for classes in order to be able to write something meaningful within the time constraint.
How to Write the Perfect Letter
The best way to write the perfect letter is to write multiple drafts. This means you are writing something, revising it, then going back and revising it again. While this may seem like a painful process, in reality it is extremely helpful because it allows you to smooth out any language errors, remove any unnecessary or awkward words, and generally make your letter the best it can be. It is a good idea to write the first draft immediately after you have completed your research, so that you can use your new found information to create a flawless piece of writing. This first draft should be concise but thorough, containing all the necessary background information and no more. Remember: the more you write, the better you will be able to assess your progress.
What Is The B.W.E?
The B.W.E (Babysitting while eating) is used when you are doing something that requires a lot of focus but you still want to be able to dip into it when necessary. You are probably familiar with the term multi-tasking, which is essentially what you are doing when you are doing the B.W.E. It is very similar to the A.U.W.J except that you are not as concerned with quality and instead, you are more worried about getting the work done. Sometimes, you just need to write a quick letter or do some spreadsheet calculations and the A.U.W.J can be quite distracting. The B.W.E is a better choice if you need to get some work done quickly whilst also being able to focus a little bit on something else. You may also choose to use this when you are staying up late studying for an exam or trying to write a paper in a week. The key difference between the B.W.E and the A.U.W.J is that you are not always sure how much you should be paying attention to what you are doing. You do not want to overdo it on one task and underdo it on the other. So, it is a good idea to write down every now and then, “Am I doing this right? Am I being efficient enough?” Just make sure that you are not spending too much time on any one task and that you are not neglecting any one area of responsibility. This is not a bad thing, it means that you are a perfectionist and you are taking your job seriously. Just make sure that it does not become a bad habit because it is extremely exhausting to constantly have to check yourself like this. When your workload is high and you feel rushed, it is very tempting to just hack away at your work. However, this will inevitably lead you to create sub-standard work and, eventually, you will regret it. Quality comes before quantity when it comes to writing and you should always want to go the extra mile to ensure that your work is of the highest quality. It is never easy to find the right words or to create the perfect turn of phrase, but you should still want to give it your best shot. If you find that you are not making the right progress, it may be a sign that you are not motivated enough or that the work is simply not worth it. It is a good idea to step back and take a break, before continuing. You can always come back to it later and make some improvements, but you should not beat yourself up about it, as there is always something new to learn and more projects to work on. Remember, every good writer is a perfectionist and this habit will serve you well as you continue with your writing career.