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Online Ghostwriting: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Is the idea of writing something without prior authorial approval completely foreign to you? Were you born with a silver pen in your hand and have always had a passion for putting thoughts on paper? If so, then maybe online ghostwriting is right up your alley!

Also known as “ghostwriting,” “copywriting,” “content writing,” or “blogging,” online ghostwriting is the process of taking a customer’s written content and using it to create marketing material, website content, or a product description. While there are variations in the way this role is fulfilled, it usually involves getting the words on paper but not necessarily in an editorial fashion. Instead, you are essentially allowing the customer to reveal their thoughts and ideas to you, the writer, and transforming that content into an interesting and engaging read.

The benefits of online ghostwriting are numerous. You are essentially getting paid to read and, in many cases, to comment on the content, which in turn helps the customer gain credibility because you are an impartial party commenting on their work. In some instances, you might even get a discount for putting your expertise to work.

The Rise In Popularity

The demand for online ghostwriters has increased due to the rise in popularity of content marketing. In a nutshell, content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable, informative, and engaging content to attract and retain customers.

In an ideal world, content marketing would not necessarily involve writing. However, in today’s digital world, content has to be created in some fashion and ideally, should be published and promoted as widely as possible to have the greatest impact.

When executed well, content marketing can be extremely lucrative. Some content marketers earn six-figure incomes annually while putting in relatively little effort.

Types Of Content

Depending on your specialty, you can specialize in certain types of content that are better suited for your skills. Below, we will discuss the most common types of content that get generated through the content marketing process. Consider this a primer to get you started.

White Papers

A white paper is usually a long, scholarly piece that is written with the aid of professional researchers. It is usually aimed at an academic audience and is built on an in-depth analysis of a subject matter. While the information is highly valuable, it is usually presented in a dry and dull fashion that might bore the reader.

The information is usually extremely practical in nature and can be used by anyone in a professional or academic capacity. This makes them extremely valuable and a sought-after resource for any university, business, or individual in need of serious research.

Case Studies

A case study is usually a short, detailed piece about a particular individual or business. It is usually built on in-depth research into a particular subject matter and is meant to be highly informative. Like a white paper, a case study is aimed at an academic audience and provides valuable information about an industry or subject.

The information is usually highly relevant to the reader’s lives and usually has very precise and limited application, which, in turn, makes them very valuable.

How-To Guides

A how-to guide is, essentially, a guide to doing something. It can be as simple as “How to cook a steak” or as complex as “How to set up a successful blog.” A how-to guide is usually built around a practical scenario and provides step-by-step instructions for completing a task.

The advantage of a how-to guide is that it provides information in a style that is both engaging and easy to understand. It is usually written for a broad audience but can be used by anyone who is interested in learning how to do something.


An e-book is a digital version of a book that can be downloaded and read on a variety of devices, including tablets and smartphones. E-books are usually collections of previously published works or compilations of articles from print journals. They are intended to be used on an electronic reader and provide quick access to information for the reader.

The e-book serves as the digital version of the print book and has all the advantages that come with being printed and bound. It is usually cheaper to produce and, due to their size, have much more storage space.

Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy is essentially a plan of action designed to attract, engage, and retain customers using content marketing methods. It sets out the goals and objectives of the campaign and includes detailed plan of how and when to execute the content marketing program.

The strategy should be tailored to fit the content being created. If you are unsure of what type of content will be most effective in gaining traction, a content strategist can help by identifying the best platforms and networks for the content, analyzing the effectiveness of previous campaigns, and forecasting the future of the industry.

The Disadvantages Of Online Ghostwriting

While there are many advantages to online ghostwriting, it comes with a few disadvantages as well. One of the biggest is that you are essentially working for free. Even in instances where you are being paid, the money is usually a flat rate for a particular amount of content or for a fixed number of articles. You won’t earn any extra based on how many readers you can bring in or retain.

Because you are not being paid on a per-piece basis, it is extremely important that you produce high-quality content that is both interesting and engaging. Otherwise, your efforts will go to waste and you won’t be benefiting from the work you have done.

Where Do You Fit In?

Depending on your experience and educational background, you can fit into one of three categories:

  • Content Marketer: someone with a bachelor’s degree in journalism, marketing, or a related subject matter (MBA preferred) who can execute marketing content for various industries, businesses, or organizations.
  • Copywriter: someone with a bachelor’s degree in English or Creative Writing who can create material for businesses, universities, magazines, or online publishers.
  • New Media Producer: someone with a bachelor’s degree in journalism or mass communication who can execute marketing content for various industries, businesses, or organizations.

If you are looking to enter the field and are wondering what kind of education is most suitable, consider looking into a master’s degree in journalism, mass communication, or marketing. These degrees teach you how to analyze practical information and turn it into engaging content that can be used in digital formats, such as social media and web-based publications.

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