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What is the Difference Between Writing and Editing?

To begin with, let’s discuss what is the difference between writing and editing. When we write, we are expressing our thoughts and ideas through the use of language. When we edit, we are looking for any errors in language use and generally trying to make our writing more polished. It is important to remember that there is more than one kind of editing, so you will definitely want to learn a few tricks.

The Role Of The Editor

The first and probably the most important role of an editor is to check for errors in language. You might choose to do this quite simply by having an English native speaker check your work. Indeed, you might even choose to go one step further and have an editor who is a native English speaker edit your copy. This will help you avoid any embarrassing mistakes and ensure that your English is perfect.

Beyond checking for errors in language, an editor will also look for the flow of the story. This means that the editor will try to find the most fluid and natural way to write the story. They will examine the beginning, the middle, and the end of the piece, looking for any signs of awkwardness or mechanical writing.

The Role Of The Writer

While editors are important, it is also important to remember that as a writer, you are also responsible for the language and quality of your work. If you are looking for some tips on how to edit your work efficiently, then you might want to consider watching some of the best writers in the industry. They tend to edit their work very carefully, looking for all the little flaws they can find. However, even the greatest writers err occasionally, so you are responsible for finding these errors and fixing them before your final copy is published.

Editing Is More Than Just A Few Fixes

While it is important to have an editor who is experienced and can point out errors in your work, it is also important to remember that even the greatest editor cannot catch all the errors. This is why you should also be a part of the editing process, making sure that the story is perfect as you see it. In addition to this, you might want to consider going through the piece again, looking for some of the things the editor missed or for some improvements you can make.

The Difference In Quality

The difference in quality between writing and editing is quite significant. When you write, your main goal is to get your thoughts out through the use of language and make your story more fluid. For this reason, the quality of your writing tends to be quite basic. It is meant to be informative, but it is not exactly creative. On the other hand, when you edit, you are aiming for a higher quality. You are trying to find the perfect language and the most efficient way of putting your thoughts across. For this reason, the quality of your editing tends to be a step above your writing, but even then, there is still a significant difference.

Another important factor to keep in mind when discussing the difference between writing and editing is that, generally speaking, writers write for publication, while editors edit for improvement. This means that, when you are writing for publication, you are aiming to have your work published for other people to read and benefit from your writing. While this might be the case for some, it is quite often the case for others that they simply want to improve upon their own work and make it better than it was before. In this scenario, you are editing, looking for all the little things you can do to make your story better. Of course, there is still an element of public benefit when you are writing for publication, but it is not necessarily the primary purpose.

When you edit yourself, you are looking for ways to make your work better. This might mean going through it again and again, looking for every little error you can find. It might also mean finding a fresh pair of eyes to go through the piece with you, helping you find the perfect way to write it and avoiding all the little mistakes that you make along the way. Either way, when you are self-editing, you are aiming to make your work as good as it can be, to the best of your ability.


This was a brief introduction to the difference between writing and editing. While there is more than one kind of editing, it is quite often the case that writers edit themselves, looking for ways to make their work better. This is quite often a case of self-editing or editing for perfection. When you edit yourself, you are looking for ways to make your work better. This might mean going through it again and again, looking for every little error you can find. In addition to this, you might want to consider going through the piece with a fresh pair of eyes, avoiding all the little mistakes you make along the way. Either way, when you are self-editing, you are aiming to make your work as good as it can be, to the best of your ability. This might mean going through it again and again, looking for every little error you can find. It might also mean finding a fresh pair of eyes to go through the piece with you, helping you find the perfect way to write it and avoiding all the little mistakes that you make along the way. Either way, when you are self-editing, you are aiming to make your work as good as it can be, to the best of your ability.