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Creative Writing Class: Middle School

Creative writing is a form of art that allows for self-expression and exploration of ideas. It is a form of writing that is more than just words on a page; it can be a way of presenting thoughts and feelings in an original and creative way. In English classes, students will often be required to write creative pieces as part of their curriculum. Typically these are short stories, plays, or poetry readings where students can explore a topic or question in an engaging and original way. These classes are a great way to encourage self-expression, curiosity, and creativity amongst students.

How Has Technology Changed The Way We Learn And Teach Creative Writing?

For many years, creative writing was considered a ‘less important’ subject in comparison to other academic subjects. Teachers would assign long essays that they would mark down heavily. Nowadays, with the rise of digital natives and the incredible learning capabilities of smartphones, it is more important than ever to embrace creative writing and all of its various forms. With the ability to write creative pieces quickly and easily, the barrier to entry is virtually non-existent. If you can type, you can write a creative piece.

The shift to online education has further facilitated the learning of creative writing. The convenience of being able to work on creative pieces anywhere and at any time is invaluable. With the click of a button, students can access creative writing courses from any location. Teachers can better engage with their students by becoming more available via online platforms like Skype or Slack.

Why Should Teachers Explore More Than One Medium?

With the exception of poems, which can be classified as a form of literature, most forms of creative writing should not be considered ‘literary’ in nature. Although these are classes where students will learn to express themselves through the written word, the ability to explore other forms of art and multimedia is essential. Being able to utilize a variety of creative writing tools and platforms will expand their potential and allow them to grow as writers. In a traditional class setting, this may not be possible. The teacher is not likely to have the time to explore different forms of art and media in-depth, especially if they have other classes that they need to prepare for.

Create A Culture Where Everyone Has A Voice

When teaching creative writing to middle school students or younger, it is imperative to establish a culture where everyone feels comfortable speaking their mind and being themselves. Regardless of whether or not they choose to be a writer, every student has the potential to be an artist. Art is subjective and there is no right or wrong way to express yourself; this is an important concept that educators should strive to instill in their students. When young people are not allowed to be who they are and cannot speak their mind freely, it often leads to rebellion and anti-social behavior. In order to fully develop as individuals, students need to feel that they can be themselves and that their opinions matter. Establishing this type of culture in your classroom will not only make your students proud of their creative writing skills, but it could also encourage them to become more expressive and open-minded.

The Importance Of Feedback

As a teacher, it is your responsibility to establish and maintain a positive environment in your classroom. This will help to ensure that your students have a firm foundation for future learning experiences. In order to do this, you must ensure that they feel that they are learning and growing as writers and artists. By constantly providing them with feedback on their work, you will be able to determine the level of skill that they have and allow them to learn more. In addition to this, you can also use the feedback that you give to help guide their future work. While a student is learning to be a better artist, they will also need encouragement in order to keep practicing. By praising them for the positive changes that they make, you will be able to provide them with the encouragement that they need to keep improving.

At the end of the day, the purpose of any art form is to inspire and entertain the audience that you are connecting with. While the act of writing can be considered a practical skill, the purpose of creative writing and art in general should be understood and valued as a whole. Teachers should take the time to explore different forms of art and multimedia with their students so that they can become more well-rounded creators. Establishing a culture where everyone feels comfortable and has the opportunity to be creative will benefit both the student and the teacher, and make for a great learning experience overall.