Most business owners and marketers are aware that the first impression – or the ‘verbal impression’ as it’s often called in the trade – is very important. In order to create a lasting impression, you need to ensure that every aspect of your writing – from your body language to the words you use – is delivered with confidence.
With that in mind, let’s discuss the role of copywriting in business, and how you can use this vital communication tool to produce effective results.
What is Copywriting, Exactly?
Despite its name, copywriting is not just about copying and pasting. Instead, it is a method of persuasive communication that uses words and phrases to instill a set of actions in the mind of the reader (or listener).
While the goal of every piece of writing is to persuade the reader (or listener) to act or think in a certain way, copywriters focus only on the language of persuasion, not the content surrounding the argument. For example, if I write an article about the best winter sports in the Southern hemisphere, I may use words like ‘snow’ and ‘Australia’ to paint a picture of white frosty landscapes and blue skies. But, when I write about the virtues of travel, I might use the same words, but paint a different picture: sunny, temperate weather and vibrant street life.
In copywriting, the language can and often does carry emotional weight and value. Words can, and often do, inspire action or thought. In the example above, the words ‘Australia’s Best Winter Sports’ might inspire the reader to click on a link to the Australian ski resorts, while the words ‘travel to the Southern Hemisphere for the best winter sports’ could encourage the reader to pack their bags for a glorious winter holiday to Antarctica or the southern islands.
If you are a natural born wordsmith who can sling a sentence with the best of them, copywriting might not be for you. However, if you’ve ever seen a creative writing class in high school or university, you might know that the skill set required to be a successful copywriter is very similar. From the very first sentence of your piece, you need to establish credibility. How will you do this? By using words and phrases that the reader (or listener) would recognise as having value. With that in mind, here are five copywriting tips that will help you produce effective results.
1. Establish Your Expertise
In the example above, the words ‘Australia’s Best Winter Sports’ provide a clear and concise way of establishing the expertise of the speaker, while the phrase ‘travel to the Southern Hemisphere for the best winter sports’ builds credibility through association. If you are writing about Australian tourism, you might want to include ‘Australia’s Best’ in your opening sentence because it will make the reader sit up and take notice. When hiring a copywriter, make sure that they have enough experience in the field to back up their claims. For example, if you’re seeking an article about digital marketing for your company, you might want to look for a copywriter who has experience in managing digital marketing campaigns for travel companies or tourism boards. In short, make sure that they have enough experience in the field to back up their claims and that you can trust what they are saying.
2. Use Statistics Where Appropriate
Statistics can be very handy in copywriting. For example, if you are writing an article about the growth of the Australian tourism industry in 2018, you might want to include a few statistics to back up your claim. For example, Australia bade farewell to 2018 with a 3% decrease in international arrivals compared to the previous year. While this might not seem like good news at first, it actually demonstrates that the country’s tourism industry is evolving to appeal to more destinations and customers.
If you can find a statistic that relates to your article concept, feel free to use it. Doing so will add credibility to your argument and make the reader more receptive to what you have to say. While it might be tempting to make sweeping generalisations about entire countries or continents, these sorts of statements can often be proven wrong. When writing, make sure that you are presenting fact-based evidence to support your claims.
3. Keep It Short And Sweet
With so much content available online, people are constantly searching for short, snappy articles. To keep your readers engaged, keep your copy succinct and to the point. If you can pack multiple messages into a single paragraph, do so. In the example above, the first two sentences sum up the contents of the entire article in two short and sweet phrases. The next four, longer sentences, elaborate on those two sentences and provide the reader with more information.
This is especially important if you are writing for a younger audience. According to HubSpot Blogs research, millennial travellers are more likely to engage with content that is concise, easy to understand, and interesting.
4. The Keyword Is Important
While all types of writing can benefit from some level of copyediting, keyword-rich content is particularly essential for SEO (search engine optimisation). To land a coveted spot on the first page of a Google search, your website needs to incorporate keywords into the text of your articles, reviews, and so on. To make your content more discoverable, use key words in your headlines, sub-heads, and body text. Body text is the heart of your article, and it’s here that you’ll find the most effective keywords. Make sure that your chosen keywords are present in the text of your article, but make sure not to overuse them. Try for combinations of three words, as this is the best practice for avoiding the ‘keyword stuffing’ that Google vehemently detests. With that in mind, here are some dos and don’ts for effective keyword usage:
DO Use Keywords In Your Headlines
The headline is the first thing that will catch the eye of your reader. To grab their attention and keep it, you must incorporate keywords into the text of your headline. Try for a combination of three keywords that appear to be relevant to the article topic. Your headline should not be longer than eight words. You can use a tool like Keyword Plus to find the best keywords for your article and then use those terms in your headline. In the example above, ‘seo advice for travel marketers’ provides the reader with all the necessary information they need in a concise and attractive manner.
DON’T Stuff Your Headlines With Keywords
Although you should be using keywords in your headline, you should not be using the exact same words as the keyword. Doing so will cause your article to be classed as ‘keyword stuffing.’ This is against Google’s rules, and it can ultimately result in your articles being removed from the search results. When using keywords, make sure to vary your phraseology and keep your headlines interesting, engaging, and informative.
As we’ve established, the ideal keyword density for an article is somewhere between 1% and 3%. Anything above that, and you’ll be classed as ‘keyword stuffing,’ which, as we’ve mentioned, is highly frowned upon by Google.
If you are writing for an international audience, make sure to include the language and keywords relevant to your target audience. For example, if you are targeting UK consumers, use Britishisms in your copy and include ‘the’ and ‘this’ rather than ‘a’ and ‘apple’ to reference products and brand names. Try and see how many times these three words appear in your headline, using the examples above.
5. Proofread And Edit
As you’ve probably guessed, editing is vital in any type of writing. When you’re writing for an audience, the last thing you need is poorly crafted text. Have you ever read an article and found spelling errors or incorrect words and phrases? Unless you’re searching for the very specific meaning of a word or trying to incorporate a brand name into your writing for the first time, there will always be errors. While it’s not always easy to find a good, certified English speaker, you can always use online tools like Spelling Checker to help you find these errors and make your content as flawless as possible.
If you can incorporate these five tips into your copywriting endeavours, you will certainly see success.