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What is Copywriting & Why Does It Matter?

You’ve probably heard of copywriting before. Maybe you’ve even tried it. But did you know exactly what it is and how it can help your business? Let’s take a closer look…

Copywriting Is An Important Part Of Digital Marketing

If you’re new to digital marketing or simply need a refresher, copywriting is one of the first terms you’ll probably hear about. Simply put, copywriting is the prose section of your digital marketing campaign. Sometimes called “elevator speech” or “bio” because it’s often used in marketing bios, copywriting is the textual or spoken component of your digital marketing content.

With the right copywriting, you can dramatically improve your SEO, drive traffic to your site, and convince people to buy your product or service.

You’ll find that many digital marketing tasks, such as SEO, content strategy, and web design, require a good amount of copywriting. So it’s important to know exactly what this component of digital marketing is and how you can contribute to the effort.

Copywriting Is A Must For Product Launches

When you’re launching a new product or service and want to make sure that your marketing material is bang on target, copywriting is a must. This stage in your business’ life is particularly crucial, as you’ll be tasked with encouraging shoppers to find you, and discover your product or service, through search engines and other online platforms. (If you’re looking to improve your SEO, check out our guide to SEO for retailers.)

So it’s vital that you get this stage right. And to do that, you’ll need to engage with a professional copywriter to take care of the technicalities of your pitch, and ensure that it sounds authentic.

Copywriting Is A Must For Any Business That Wants To Grow

Even if you’ve been in business for a long time, or you run a really well-oiled machine, you’ll need to invest in copywriting if you want to grow your business. This component of your marketing will push up your SEO, increase your traffic, and help you to attract more customers (and grow your business) than ever before.

The need for copywriting is endless. Whether you’ve got a brand new product to promote or a service to offer, you’ll need someone to help you make the most of your marketing campaigns. (Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.)

Why Does It Matter Who Writes The Copy?

If you’re wondering why copywriting matters, it’s because without it, your business won’t be able to function. That’s right—good copy can make or break your business. It’s also one of the most crucial components of your digital marketing strategy. Your customers will need to be able to understand your product or service, and your copy needs to be precise, concise, and easily consumable. (If you’re wondering what makes for a good business, check out this case study by HubSpot.)

When it comes to improving your product or service, and getting those all-important first few moments of attention from your target audience, good copy is everything. But how do you go about writing good copy?

The Differences In Quality Control Between Copywriters

When you’re hiring a copywriter, make sure that you’re aware of the differences in quality control between editors and proofreaders. While you might be tempted to get a freelance editor to take care of the redlining for you, this might not be the best route to go down. (An editor is a person who makes suggestions to improve the readability of your material, while a proofreader looks for errors in grammar, spelling, and style.)

To avoid any misunderstandings down the line, be sure to establish the range of the edits and proofreading that you’ll need, and what you’ll need them to do. Establishing this beforehand can help you create a contract that suits your needs, and establish clear expectations from the start.

How Do You Find The Right Copywriter?

Nowadays, with the digital sphere being what it is, finding the right person for the job doesn’t have to be so hard. Thanks to platforms like Upwork, you can easily find hundreds of competent copywriters who are eager to take on your project. (Or, if you’re looking for a personal touch, you could always choose a writer from Small Business Guides—we’ve got a community of over 100,000 writers who would love to help your business grow.)

With so much competition, it’s essential that you stand out from the crowd. And to do that, you’ll need a winning strategy, which is what you get with a solid copywriting project. From the moment you hire us, we’ll analyze your product or service, and create a content plan to promote it.

The Process Of Writing Copy

When it comes to making your product or service appeal to the maximum number of people, and ensure that they have as much information as possible before making a purchase, you need to craft the perfect customer experience. This is exactly what you get with good copy—it focuses on the needs of your target audience, and creates a clear message that is guaranteed to make them consider your product or service.

In the same way that you’d use a recipe to cook a meal, you can use copywriting to bake a commercial. To begin with, you’ll need to set the mood and tone of your commercial, which is done through the use of words and phrases. Once you’ve nailed that, you can start constructing the piece. This entails using logic and reasoning to build a case for the product or service, and include a call to action (such as a request to visit the website, or to make a purchase).

When it comes to encouraging prospective customers to take a look at your product or service, and get in touch, you’ll need to make the offer as tempting as possible. This is where your copy meets with marketing—you’ll use everything from marketing videos to SEO to get the most from your investment in copywriting.

When To Use Copywriting

Like any part of your digital marketing strategy, you’ll need to set aside time to study and plan out your copy. Although you might want to bang out a few lines of copy as soon as possible, you’ll need to put in the time to make sure that each word, sentence, and paragraph is exactly what you want it to be. Think of it like a chef trying out new recipes—you’ll need to test and perfect each line of copy before hitting ‘publish’. (If you’re wondering where you should position your product in relation to similar products that exist in the marketplace, check out our guide to product positioning.)

When it comes to attracting new customers, and encouraging them to stick around after they’ve discovered your business, you’ll need to utilize a variety of techniques, including email marketing, webinars, and social media. While SEO should be a part of your strategy, it’s not the whole enchilada. To truly understand what is making your product or service stand out from the rest, you’ll need to look at the material from a variety of angles. This is why it’s important to study SEO, marketing, and copywriting together—you’ll be able to see the complete picture, and make the right decision for your business.