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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting & How to Make Money from It

Being a copywriter is a lot of fun, but it can also be quite lucrative. All you need is an internet connection, a laptop, and a creative mind. You can get paid to write online content, create marketing material, and even develop web content for other companies.

While the income might not seem huge, it’s actually quite reliable. There are a lot of online opportunities for copywriters, and since the pandemic began, even more so. If you’re looking for an easy way to make money, copywriting is a solid choice. There are lots of successful copywriters who’ve made a living off their skills, so it’s definitely possible!

The Basics Of Copywriting

Before you can start copywriting, you need to learn the basics. Luckily, we’ve got you covered on this front. In this section, we’re going to teach you the most essential things you need to know in order to become a successful copywriter.

How To Write

The first and most basic rule of copywriting is to always write for human beings. Now, this might seem like a no-brainer, but a surprisingly high number of copywriters forget to do this. Since you’re going to be writing for internet surfers, humans being the case, you must write in a way that they can understand. The second most important thing is to build a reputation as an SEO writer. Not only will this help you land your first couple of paying clients, but it will also make you more attractive to potential employers.

Back in the day, SEO writing was done solely for SEO purposes. Backlinks and content quality didn’t matter as much, because nobody knew how to measure it. These days, it’s a whole lot more than just SEO. You’ll be writing for customers, engaging with your audience, and growing a following. All of which help you gain credibility and build a reputable platform. This, in turn, makes you more attractive to potential employers.

The Difference Between Copywriting & Marketing Copy

Marketing copy is pretty self-explanatory. It’s everything from ad copy to welcome pages. However, copywriting is a lot more subtle. Depending on who you talk to, copywriting can be defined as either persuasive writing or marketing writing. When you’re writing for a niche audience, like real estate agents or travel guides, you’re writing persuasive content. In cases such as these, you’ll be using statistics and case studies to show how a product or service can benefit the reader. Your ultimate goal is to make them want the product or service you’re marketing.

On the other hand, when you’re writing for a wide audience, like a general magazine or news website, you’re marketing writing. The general public is your audience, and you’re using catchy phrases, bold fonts, and pictures of products to attract readers. Make sure to keep these differences in mind as you progress in your copywriting career.

Where Do I Start?

With a little bit of trial and error, you’ll soon learn where to find your sweet spot as a copywriter. While it doesn’t really matter where you start, try to get something going with a freelance writing client. Earn a few hundred bucks or more and then you can begin to develop your skills. You can also look for online writing jobs where you can build up your reputation. Once you’ve built a small portfolio of successful pieces, it’s time to look for full-time employment. Alternatively, you can also try to establish your own agency and gain clients through word of mouth. Starting a copywriting business might not be for everyone, as it can be quite a lot of work, but it’s definitely an option.

Being a successful copywriter is a great way to make money, but it also takes a lot of hard work. To get there, you’ll need to put in the effort to learn the craft and then build up your portfolio. You might not get rich overnight, but with some dedication, you can become a well-known name in your industry and enjoy the benefits that come with it.