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What is Copywriting? How to Write Copy That Sells

What is copywriting? How to write copy that sells? These are some of the most common questions we get from clients who either are just starting out or are looking to improve their existing content. The answers to these questions are rarely found solely in a textbook or in a course. It takes real-world experience to know what works and what doesn’t. Hopefully, this article will help you along the way.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the branch of marketing that focuses on creating sales-worthy content for marketing purposes. This content could be found in any form including websites, emails, ads, and social media posts.

When we write copy for marketing purposes, we are aiming to achieve three things:

  • Attracting a qualified audience to the product/service
  • Increasing product/service visibility amongst said audience
  • Creating an interest in the product/service amongst untapped groups

How does copywriting differ from normal writing?

There are three main differences between traditional writing and copywriting:

  • Varying tones – When crafting copy for marketing purposes, you will oftentimes find that the copy is not only varied in content but also in tone. This is done to appeal to as many individuals as possible while still keeping with the central message of the campaign. For example, a blog post may begin with a friendly, engaging tone but then turn more aggressive as the post progresses. In this case, the copywriter aims to keep a consistent writing style but change the tone depending on the situation. The same goes for email copy, advertisements, and web content.
  • Relevant research – When writing for marketing purposes, the writer will usually look for ways to appeal to their target audience while keeping in mind that the content will be used for marketing purposes. They will then conduct market research to determine what methods of communication will be the most effective. This involves analyzing consumer habits, interests, and the like. As a result of this research, the copywriter will know exactly which methods of communication will result in the best conversion rate. The research may also reveal information about the content’s target audience that the writer could use to craft a more engaging sales pitch.
  • Timing – A successful copywriter will be able to write compelling copy at exactly the right time. This takes some experience, but once you learn to tap into the right mindset, you will be able to write compelling content at any time. Your target audience may have different tastes and preferences at different times of the day. Your copy should be able to adapt to whatever situation.

Why should I learn to write copy for marketing purposes?

There are several perks to knowing how to write copy for marketing purposes:

  • You will learn to write in a way that appeals to a variety of individuals
  • You will learn to think creatively and analyze situations objectively
  • You will get to practice with real data, not just theories

If you’re looking to become a better writer, you could never go wrong with mastering copywriting. It’s a versatile and highly useful skill that can be applied to a wide variety of situations.

The Difference Between Marketing, Advertising, and Sales

In addition to the creative differences between traditional writing and copywriting, there is also the matter of the intended use of each piece of copy. When creating marketing copy, you are usually aiming to attract potential consumers to your product or service by appealing to certain emotions or by explaining the benefits of your product or service. In this case, the copy will be used to market the product/service to others. This is also known as advertising or informational marketing.

When the copy is being used to market a product/service, the writer is referred to as the ad or the salesperson. The copywriter’s job is to come up with the ideas for the ad and make sure that they are conveyed effectively to the audience. The copywriter will work with the art director, the illustrator, and the marketer to make sure the final product is delivered on time.

Even when writing for informational purposes, you should still be thinking about potential consumers as you write. When drafting informational copy, your goal is to increase the information’s visibility amongst the targeted audience. In doing so, you are not necessarily trying to sell the reader on the qualities of your product but you are trying to provide them with as much useful information as possible. In this case, the copy will be used to educate or entertain the reader. This is also known as promotional or educational marketing.

The Difference Between Marketing, Advertising, and Sales by Function

Here is an overview of the differences between marketing, advertising, and sales by function:

  • Marketing is the process of attracting potential consumers to your product or service
  • Advertising is the process of creating awareness about your product or service amongst a specific audience
  • Sales is the process of convincing potential consumers to purchase your product or service

To begin with, marketing is the process of attracting potential consumers to your product or service. This could be done through a variety of methods including advertising, social media, and the like. Once you have gained their attention through marketing, you can begin to educate them about your product or service and encourage them to try it out. This is known as promotional marketing.

When a customer has been convinced to try out a product or service, they are considered to be a prospect or a lead. It is at this point that you could begin to engage with them through educational marketing (e.g., emails, webinars, and the like).

To create awareness about a product or service, advertisers will usually engage with consumers through advertising. However, entrepreneurs and company owners who want to promote their products or services often turn to social media to gain visibility. Social media is a great place to promote your product or service as it allows you to target the right audience and allow those who are interested to connect with you.

Once you have established a social media account, you can begin to engage with your audience by posting engaging content often.

To convince potential consumers to purchase your product or service, you will need to convince them that your product is worth the investment. To do so, you will need to do your homework and learn more about your target audience’s needs, wants, and the like. In some cases, this could mean offering special discounts to those who are interested in your product or service. In other cases, this could mean educating your audience about the benefits of your product or service. Once they are educated about your product or service, they will be able to make a more reasoned decision about whether or not to invest in your offering.

Whether you are looking to attract potential customers to your product or service or are looking to convince them to try out your product or service, the key to a successful marketing campaign is to learn more about your target audience and find ways to speak to them. As a copywriter, you will learn how to do just that and more.