When someone cites you in a web page, blog post, or email, they are copying you. In other words, they are using words or phrases that you have previously used when talking about the topic you are currently working on. This is called ‘citations’ and it is a form of ‘copyright theft’. It might not seem like a big deal, but when you add up enough plagiarism, it can really hurt your SEO and, in some cases, even lead to legal action. That is why, as a copywriter, it is important to be aware of the elements that make up a good impression and how you can use them to create better content that will attract, engage, and retain more of your audience’s attention.
The Basics Of Good Copy
To start with, always ensure that the content you are developing is relevant to your target audience. If your target audience doesn’t relate to the content you are creating, you might as well not have bothered. They will have little or no interest in what you have to say and will most likely ignore all of your advice. When developing content for SEO purposes, always bear in mind that search engines look for relevant and informative content. The better your content is, the greater the chance of it being clicked on. Poorly written content is usually ignored by readers and, as a result, gets little or no traffic. To put it simply, the less you have to twist and turn to make your point, the better. Short, snappy, and to-the-point are the words that might pop up in your head when you develop content from scratch. A few good short punchy sentences with a bit of a sparkle can do wonders for your content, especially if you are writing for SEO purposes. This does not mean that you should shy away from using long sentences or paragraphs entirely, but rather, you should look to use them as a last resort when you need to make a point that cannot be backed up with a few words.
The Building Blocks Of Copy
Even if you write for fun, your copy should always follow certain guidelines that make it easier for the reader to understand. The first thing to do is to remove all the jargon and technical language that might confuse the reader. When you are writing the text for a marketing or informational piece, it is often helpful to keep things simple, easy to understand, and, above all, interesting. When developing content for SEO purposes, ensure that the main keyword or phrase you are targeting is used frequently throughout the text and in the headlines. Remember: the text you write will be read by humans, so you need to make it easy for them to understand you. When writing, it is also important to keep in mind the reading habits of your target audience. The better you know your audience, the better you can tailor your content to reach them. When people are browsing the web, they are usually looking for quick, easy-to-find resources that answer their questions. The ideal scenario would be to create informative content that is short, sweet, and highly relevant to the target audience you have in mind when developing the content. If they are interested in your topic, they will most likely visit your site to find out more about what you have to offer. In the same way, email marketing is a great way to engage with customers and potential buyers, but you need to set yourself apart from the thousands of other marketers that may be trying to sell them something.
Key Takeaways
Writing copy is a lot like cooking. You need to follow a recipe to get the desired results. Sometimes, you need to experiment with different spices and textures to find what works best for your product. Always remember: the worse your recipe, the more you will taste of everything. In the same way, the worse your copy, the more you will taste of everything in it. When you improve your recipe, you can usually improve your copy as well. There is no exact science to writing, but there are definitely some tried and tested methods that can make your job easier and the results more effective. When you boil it down, all you need is a good idea, a little talent, and a lot of hard work. Just like cooking, writing is a process that should not be rushed. Take your time and do it right. You will be happier in the end.