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What is an MFA in Creative Writing?

A Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing is a terminal degree that focuses on both the practical and theoretical aspects of creative writing. As with any master’s degree, the duration of study is usually three years, although this can vary from one to four years. Successful completion of the course allows the graduate to apply for membership of The Guild of Canadian Writers, a professional association of freelance writers based in Canada. In 2018, the association sponsored a contest for the best overall unreduced MFA thesis, and the winning entry was chosen from among eighteen submissions.

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing: what is it?

The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing is an increasingly popular terminal degree because it provides students with the opportunity to develop the theoretical and practical skills necessary for creative writing. Successful completion of the course provides students with the option to apply for membership of The Guild of Canadian Writers, a professional association of freelance writers based in Canada. In addition, many universities now offer a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, which means there is increasing competition for those who decide to specialize in this area.

The degree is structured to ensure that each student completes the programme with a high standard of proficiency. For the first two years, students take regular seminars and workshops to build up a strong foundation in theory and practice. In the final year of study, students specialize in either fiction or non-fiction, and are required to complete two substantial independent theses within these areas. It is essential that students maintain high academic standards throughout the entire programme while also balancing their coursework with a productive workload as a freelance writer.

What is the focus of an MFA in Creative Writing?

While it is generally acknowledged that graduate studentship in Creative Writing is a highly competitive field, it is important to remember that the programme does offer a range of specializations from which to choose. This provides prospective students with a greater chance of gaining employment as a freelance writer later on.

In terms of the course content, students are required to take the practical and theoretical instruction in the form of regular workshops and seminars. The emphasis throughout the entire programme is on developing the student’s theoretical understanding of the craft as well as their practical skills in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Students are also required to keep up with the latest trends in digital media as well as pursue any opportunities that may arise through completing a professional blog. The final year of study is structured around a two-fold specialization in either fiction or non-fiction, with a significant research component attached to each specialization.

In terms of the educational route to acquiring an MFA in Creative Writing, students can follow either of two paths: traditional or non-traditional. Those who decide to pursue a traditional route must first complete a Bachelor of Arts in English or another relevant subject, followed by a Master of Letters in English. Applicants who do not have a degree in English can still proceed to the next stage but are required to take a course in English for specific writers, including poetry, playwriting and fiction. Successful completion of all coursework and a satisfactory dissertation marks the end of the traditional route.

The benefits of an MFA in Creative Writing.

Based on the above, it is clear that an MFA in Creative Writing is a highly regarded degree that will afford the holder many advantages in terms of both employment and further education. To begin with, those who earn the degree are likely to find employment in a range of editorial, literary and publishing positions, not just in the field of creative writing itself. In addition, many universities now offer the degree, which means there is increasing competition for those who decide to specialize in this area.

Furthermore, prospective students can gain valuable experience by taking on some of the following roles: copyeditor, fact-checker, proofreader or project manager. Many employers value a degree in English as well as a specific qualification in a relevant field, such as journalism, copyediting or advertising. Employers may also value membership of certain professional bodies, such as The Institute for Creative Writers or the Professional Writers Association.

An MFA in Creative Writing is a terminal degree that affords graduate students with the opportunity to develop the theoretical and practical skills necessary for creative writing. Students must complete a two-year coursework programme, followed by a final year of supervised research, with a view to gaining a Master of Fine Arts degree.