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Home » What is a ‘Swipe File’ in Copywriting?

What is a ‘Swipe File’ in Copywriting?

Copywriting is a form of persuasive writing that uses words and phrases to persuade or convince the reader to take some sort of action, whether it is to buy a product, read an article, or attend a webinar. When it comes to digital marketing, copywriters are responsible for creating compelling content to attract, engage, and motivate people to action and through action, generate revenue for your company.

Part of what makes Copywriting so essential to digital marketing is its broad applicability. Unlike other forms of marketing such as search marketing or display advertising, copywriting can be applied to almost any industry and aspect of a business’s operations. What’s more, unlike many other forms of marketing, Copywriting is very flexible and can evolve with the ever-changing digital landscape.

Key Differences Between Print, Online, And Mobile Versions

One of the most fundamental differences between print, online, and mobile versions of Copywriting is the reading perspective. While print and online versions are generally read from top to bottom, with shorter articles or ones that are otherwise more concise in nature, the reading order on mobile is usually from left to right, with a little bit of scrolling involved. The basic premise is that as you read from left to right, you are seeing the information displayed on a small screen, so the smallest font size possible is generally used to ensure all the essential information is legible.

Key Differences Between The Three Platforms

It’s also important to note that although the three platforms—print, online, and mobile—are similar in many ways, they are not quite the same. For example, the type of content that’s suitable for one may not be suitable for the other two. This can be problematic if you’re trying to grow your business across all three platforms, but it’s also something to consider if you’re trying to grow your business on just one of the three.

The Different Types of Copy

What’s more, each platform has its own set of best practices when it comes to writing Copy. For print publications, it’s generally accepted that longer content is more effective. Short articles are best suited for online and mobile platforms, while long-form articles typically perform best in print media—at least when it comes to drawing in a general audience.

Similarly, for online and mobile platforms, shorter headlines and shorter, more concise paragraphs work best. But for print publications, you need to choose your headlines and body copy with great care, using leading and engaging words to draw in and retain the attention of readers.

Key Takeaways

Considering all these differences, it’s clear that Copywriting is a very versatile marketing tool, one that can be applied to almost any industry or operation of a business, and used in multiple ways to reach a particular audience. Whether you’re a freelancer searching for client work or an agency trying to establish itself as a go-to source for content creation, Copywriting is a skill you need to have in your arsenal.