Discovery projects in copywriting are marketing projects that help educate the buyer about the product or service being promoted. They are usually very short in nature and are used to gain interest or to close a sale. Most often than not, they are used as lead generation projects to get in the door or ‘warm’ into the arms of a potential customer. The ultimate goal is always to make the sale, and therefore the success of the project usually hinges on how well it performs in generating leads.
The purpose of a discovery project is to allow the copywriter to put their spin on the information given to them by the marketing department. Sometimes this can be a difficult pill to swallow, but it’s an important part of the process to ensure that the marketing campaign is being presented in the best light.
The Three Stages Of A Discovery Project
Whether you are just getting started with copywriting or you have been doing it for some time, you will eventually come across a discovery project. If you are new to the game, these projects can often feel a bit daunting, as you don’t know exactly what to do with them or where to start. This is where we will help you:
1. Define the problem.
The first thing you should do before you start any project is to clearly define the problem that you are trying to solve. The problem should be tied to a real pain point that the customer is experiencing or will experience if the problem is not fixed. It is also important to determine what makes the customer unique among their peers. Only then can you craft a custom-made solution to their specific problem. For example, if you are trying to solve the problem of an unhappy customer, you could do so by helping them achieve contentment in their love life. Alternatively, if you are trying to solve the problem of losing customers due to low trust, you could increase their trust in your product or service by presenting it as the best in its class.
2. Gather relevant information.
Once you have determined the problem, it’s time to collect the necessary information. The ideal scenario is for the customer to come back to you with a problem that you have not previously encountered. By taking the time to understand exactly what they need, you can ensure that their requirements are met without any unpleasant surprises. One of the most important things to do in gathering information is to listen carefully and ask questions when necessary. Gathering relevant information does not mean that you are looking for ways to confirm the problem, it simply means that you are trying to understand why the customer is experiencing the problem in the first place.
3. Create options for a solution.
The third and final step of a discovery project is to create options for a solution. This step is all about coming up with different solutions to the problem. Sometimes this can be extremely easy, and you might have a clear idea of what needs to be done. However, sometimes it can be less obvious. In these cases, you need to make sure that you are considering all the different angles before coming up with a final decision. When it comes to sales, customers are usually very open to new ideas, and this is where you should be capitalizing on this fact. One of the best ways to make a sale is to offer a solution that they have not considered before. Doing this will often make them feel like a genius, as they had the unique ability to see beyond the obvious and come up with a strategy that worked like a charm. This is where a little creativity and innovation can help make your job easier and bring home the bacon.
Determining The Best Approach For A Discovery Project
Once you have completed all the stages of a discovery project, you need to sit back and determine the best approach for the next step. For example, if you are trying to generate leads, you might want to consider doing so through email marketing or content marketing. However, if you are looking to increase sales for a particular product or service, you might want to consider a more traditional approach.
There is no right or wrong answer here; it’s all about which strategy will help you reach your goals. Once you have determined the best approach, you can move on to the next step.