A creative writing residency is somewhere you go to be inspired. It could be a monastery in Scotland, an artist residency in Marrakech, or even a cruise ship that stops off in Italy. The idea behind a creative writing residency is to take a break from the everyday routine of work and life, and come up with new content– be that a short story or novel. Through doing so, you hopefully learn something about yourself and your creative process. At the very least, you come back a changed man or woman.
Why Study Literature In a Residency?
There are many reasons why you might want to study literature in a residency. One of the most obvious is that you will be surrounded by incredible authors and their work. However, the true purpose of a creative writing residency is to give you the time and space to think, and to study literature in a way that suits you. In other words, it’s about finding the sweet spot where you can be inspired by others while also studying the works that matter most to you.
How Does a Creative Writing Residency Work?
A creative writing residency program usually works like this. You will live with a host family in a villa or a monastery. This is where you will do your writing, and where you might do some of your reading too. Of course, the balance will depend on the program and the venues that particular residency has to offer. Some residencies will actually require you to visit certain museums or historic sites. These are usually optional, but can add another dimension to your experience. Your daily schedule will consist of writing, researching, and maybe some other activities that the residency program organizes for you. You will need to be flexible with this because there will be times you might have to work, and then there will be times you could write. You might also need to wake up early in the morning to do any necessary research, and then have a little break before jumping into the next phase of the program.
When you enter into a creative writing residency, you will have a mentor who will help you navigate the literature course work and the daily tasks associated with the residency. You might also have a creative writing tutor who will work with you one-on-one, or you can join a seminar group with other students. These are all great options to expose yourself to different perspectives, and to get some expert help if you’re struggling with any particular aspect of the course work. During your time at the residency, you will submit your work for evaluation by a special committee, whose members are usually famous writers, academics, or both. This is usually done every few months, or at the end of the semester. As a result of these evaluation scores, you will learn whether you’ve achieved sufficient progress to continue with the program, or whether you need to start again from scratch. In some cases, a creative writing residency is even considered a prerequisite for a PhD program in literature.
The point is that you should feel free to change the direction of your studies and your residency as much as you need to. There are usually no set rules regarding what you need to study or where you need to study. Instead, there are usually only suggestions.
What Does It Feel Like To Be A Resident Writer?
Being a resident writer is a fantastic opportunity. You will get to delve into the world of literature and the academic journals that surround it. It will open up new possibilities for you as a writer. You will meet new people, and make new connections that will nourish your career. You will not be alone in your studies either as there will always be other residents and writers who you can connect with. You will get the opportunity to socialize and meet others who share your love for books and literature. It will be an incredible feeling to be able to contribute to the world of literature. Imagine the impact you could have if you were to write a novel that was critically acclaimed, or if you were to write a short story that was placed on an anthology’s recommended reading list? You should not underestimate the power of a creative writing residency, as it can literally change your life forever.