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Home » What Is a Creative Writing Class for High Schoolers Called?

What Is a Creative Writing Class for High Schoolers Called?

With the rise of social media, the shift towards digital literacies, and an increased focus on creativity and critical thinking, creative writing (or creative writing as it’s frequently called) is more important than ever before. Young people are demanding more creative solutions to the problems they face in everyday life and they’re looking to their educators to provide these solutions.

While in college, you’ll most likely take a creative writing course where you’ll learn the basics of creative writing, build a portfolio, and meet with an instructor frequently. After you graduate, however, the story changes. Since high schools don’t typically offer a four-year college degree, students have less exposure to formal creative writing courses. As a result, many of them aren’t sure how to approach the subject matter or what it truly entails. This post will answer some of the most common questions concerning creative writing classes for high school students so that you can better prepare yourself for the opportunities that await you!

What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is generally defined as the use of words to convey thoughts, feelings, and/or ideas in a manner that is original and expresses something new. It can be anything from a short story to a novel, depending on the student’s mastery of the different forms.

As with any other form of writing, it can be a great way to express yourself creatively and explore new ideas and topics. It can also be a vehicle for self-reflection as you examine your thoughts and feelings on different subjects. Many writers and poets credit creative writing with helping them to discover and express their true selves.

Creative writing isn’t just about writing clever sentences and using creative vocabulary. It’s about using the tools at your disposal to tell a story that is new and exciting.

Why Are Creative Writing Classes Suitable For High School Students?

High school students are ideal candidates for creative writing courses because they have the freedom and flexibility to pursue their studies as they see fit. They often have more free time than their peers and therefore have more opportunity to focus on their studies. Additionally, many high schools have a strong extracurricular schedule with a variety of arts courses, clubs, and sports teams. This provides an opportunity to explore new subjects and indulge in the arts.

Since writing is such an essential part of every day life for students, it makes sense that they would look to their educators for help. If your school doesn’t have a creative writing course yet, now is the perfect time to start one. It’s never too late to start a creative writing class, and with the right approach, you can ensure that your students thoroughly enjoy the experience and leave with new insights into the world around them.

When Should You Start A Creative Writing Class?

The best time to start a creative writing class is during your junior year. This is when student’s minds are most open and they are most likely to benefit from the instruction. If you can’t start during your junior year, then begin your senior year. Final year students won’t gain as much from the class as they would have during their junior year based on how much they’ve learned meanwhile.

The most desirable time to start a creative writing class is during the winter or summer months. This is to ensure that you can regularly meet with the class and ensure that they don’t fall too far behind. If you teach the class during the school year, it can be tough to meet with them regularly as it is typically not a popular time of the year for students to be off school. 

How Long Should A Creative Writing Class Be?

The optimal length for a creative writing class is between one and two hours. One hour is optimal because it gives you time to get through the current assignments while also allowing you to meet with the class once or twice during the semester. Two hours is optimal because it gives you time to complete a longer piece or work on a follow-up assignment. After two hours, students will have had enough time to digest the information presented and you’ll be able to push them further.

Unfortunately, some classes last longer than two hours so you may have to compromise. It’s important to remember that the amount of time that you spend teaching the class will determine how much you’ll be able to accomplish. If time is of the essence and you have to stretch the lesson to make it fit, then shorten it as much as possible. You should only shorten the class when necessary and avoid doing so if you can.

Who Should Be In This Class?

This class is suitable for all students. Whether or not your school offers a separate course for creative writing, they can and should provide the space and time for you to teach this important class.

Many schools lack the staff and resources to offer a creative writing course. If your school doesn’t have a creative writing course yet, now is the perfect time to start one. It’s never too late to start a creative writing class, and with the right approach, you can ensure that your students thoroughly enjoy the experience and leave with new insights into the world around them.