The bluebook is a binder that creative writers, journalists, and bloggers use to collect and organize their notes and research for stories. The name “bluebook” comes from the fact that these books are printed on blue paper.
This type of binder is best used for short-term work—be it a couple of weeks or a couple of months. Often, the information in a bluebook will be updated as the work progresses. This can make the book look a little messy, but it also means the writer can always refer back to the most recent version.
Because they are often used for a short amount of time, the bluebooks are not bound as strictly as the regular books found in a library. That means you can simply grab a spare notebook and start jotting down your ideas, observations, and questions.
The Parts of a Bluebook
The parts of a bluebook include the notebook, the reference guide, the table of contents, and a cover. The notebook itself is what gives the book its name. It is usually bound in leather or cloth and has a lock to keep it closed. (This is to prevent the book from being damaged while in use.) An ideal notebook should be made of a light, yet sturdy material such as parchment or a similar paper-like material. The back and forth motion of writing on a smooth surface makes for easier and more comfortable writing. If possible, the notebook should also be able to withstand an ocean or a rough day at the beach—the elements that make up a creative writer’s dream.
The reference guide is a section of the book that contains information about the subjects covered in the other sections. The writers I’ve spoken to who use bluebooks love this section because it helps them organize and find information easily. The guide can be used to cross-reference items in the other sections or as a standalone resource for later use. This section is typically made of a heavier paper than the rest of the notebook and is often sturdier. Many writers use the top portion of their notebooks for their reference guides because it is a flat surface that easily displays the information. (The rest of the notebook is often used for writing.) Reference guides can include things like an index, a chronological list of events or people, or the cross-references between various chapters or sections of a book.
The Table of Contents
The table of contents is a comprehensive list of the pages in the book. It usually starts with a short overview of the book (introduction, definition, etc.) and then branches out to the individual chapters, followed by a bibliography or a list of sources. If the book is long, the table of contents can be the first place the reader turns to when searching for information.
The table of contents should be short and to the point. It should include details such as page numbers, names of characters, and a short description of each chapter. In addition, it should be easy to navigate and have headings such as “Chapters” and “Steps to Create a Successful Podcast.” The table of contents should not contain any information that is not directly related to the content of the book. (For example, if the book is about fashion, the table of contents should not include information about real estate ownership or sports teams.)
The Cover
The cover is a colorful part of the bluebook that is meant to protect the book’s contents from getting damaged while in transit or storage. The covers of bluebooks range from plain to fancy and can include things like a designer’s logo or attractive patterned sheets. The cover should be made of a material that is thick enough to keep the book protected while also being thin enough to allow for easy writing.
Ideally, the cover should be designed to draw the eye of the reader directly to the heart of the book—the table of contents. In addition, if the book is short, a simple cover design may be all that’s needed to keep things interesting and appealing to the eye.
Organizing the Bluebook
Once you have your notebook, you need to start organizing it into a readable and portable structure. The ideal setup for a bluebook is a simple two-column spreadsheet, where the left column is for writing and the right column is for references. (Some people also call this the Jot down column.)
As you are organizing your notes into this format, try to consider what would make a good title for your book. After you’ve finished writing the first draft of your book, you can come back and brainstorm ideas for the title. (
One of my favorite books is called Getting to Yes, and the concept behind it is that negotiators from both sides should work together to find a solution that satisfies everyone. (The author, Roger Fisher, argues that when dealing with sensitive or important issues, compromise is essential and should not be considered a weakness.)
Getting to Yes is a classic example of a book that was originally published in 1967 and has been republished multiple times since then. The title has not only attracted a large audience but has also been adapted to film (a 2007 documentary called Getting to Yes) and used as the basis for a popular trading card game. The point is that the title of a book can have a big impact on its success. Think of an example of a book you’ve read and how it made you feel. Did you feel inspired to action? Confident that you could accomplish anything? Or did you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or as if the book didn’t apply to you?
The table of contents and the cover should go to the top of the notebook to highlight the content. After that, the two columns should be arranged in the following order: