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What Format Should You Write Your E-Book in?

If you’re planning on publishing an e-book, you have a variety of options to choose between. There are many different formatting styles to select from, so it can be a bit overwhelming to know which one to go for. To help you make the right choice for your needs, we’ve put together a detailed guide on choosing the right e-book format for your upcoming book.

HTML Or Microsoft Word?

It may come as a shock to learn that there is no single “perfect” e-book format. While there are similarities between the two, there are also important differences. Most notably, HTML is a web-based format, while Word is a desktop-based format. Since the two are fairly distinct, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.

HTML Is Good For Websites And Blogs

HTML is most commonly associated with websites and blogs. The reason behind this is that bloggers and website owners can simply edit the code for the page and it will instantly update. Furthermore, since HTML is mostly associated with websites and blogs, it has become a de facto standard for e-books as well. In fact, many e-books are now published in HTML format because it’s so easy to edit. This is mainly due to the prevalence of web browsers on the market. Unfortunately, HTML has several disadvantages that make it less than ideal for writing an e-book. First and foremost, since HTML is a “dynamic” format, it doesn’t retain any of the original formatting from the Word document. As a result, you’ll likely have to go through a tedious editing process in order to get the layout right. In addition, since websites and blogs are typically viewed on web browsers, there is the possibility that the text will become mangled as the person scrolls through the page. This is something to keep in mind if you’re planning on writing the the e-book for public consumption.

Word Is The Default For Most Publishers

This is mostly due to the fact that Microsoft is the king of software and Office is the king of word processing. Since e-books are essentially just a word processor with some formatting options, most publishers go with what they know. With that being said, there are advantages to using Word for writing an e-book as well. First of all, since it’s the default choice for most publishers, there are already templates available for you to work with. Furthermore, since e-books are primarily written for desktop viewing, it’s the perfect candidate for viewing on larger devices like tablets and mobile phones. In addition, the most basic version of Word for Windows is free, which means you’ll have access to the software anytime you need it.

Which Should You Use?

Now that you know the distinction between the two most popular e-book formats, you can begin to decide which one is the best suited for your needs. It’s important to keep in mind that there truly is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to publishing. This is why it’s best to consider all the pros and cons of each option before making up your mind. After weighing all relevant factors, it’s usually a good idea to go with the flow and use whatever is available to publish your e-book. In most cases, this will end up being one of the two formats mentioned above. If you’re looking for a free option, you can opt for Google Docs and it will generate a PDF for you to download and use.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re looking to self-publish, the chances are you’re going to end up going with one of the two options mentioned above. While there are many other options available, these are the most common ones. As you can see, writing an e-book doesn’t have to be difficult – it simply requires proper planning and research.