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What Font to Use When Writing an Ebook

An ebook is one of the simplest, yet most brilliant, ways to share your content with the world. With just a few clicks of a button, you can have an entire book ready to share with everyone. You no longer have to depend on a traditional publishing house to put your thoughts into a physical book; now you can do it yourself. And what’s more, you don’t have to worry about traditional publishing house rules that say you need to follow a formula or use a certain font. With so many options available, you can have your ebook look just the way you want it to.

Decide On Font Size

When writing an ebook, your first task is to decide on the font size. Do you want your text to be displayed in a bold, italicized manner, or would you rather go with a more traditional look and keep everything in regular text? There are pros and cons to both options, so you need to think about which one you want for your specific book. Once you’ve made the decision, you need to check the measurements because the type of font you’ve chosen will impact the overall look and feel of your book. For example, if you go with a larger font size, your text will be larger as well, which may not be what you want. Keep in mind that the larger the font, the more difficult it will be to read. If you want a traditional look, then keep your font smaller.

Start With The Ending In Mind

Your next task is to think about the ending of your book. If you’re planning on writing a series, your ebook should end on a cliffhanger so that the next book can pick up where you left off. As you write the ending of your book, try to envision how people will react to it. You want them to feel engaged in your story, so make sure that you include a hook at the end that will make them want more. Are you trying to tell a humorous story? Does your story include a surprise ending? These are all important questions that you need to answer before you start writing, so that you don’t end up with a story that doesn’t seem natural or end on a fitting note.

Use A Call To Action

If your book isn’t already posted on CreateSpace, then you should consider using a call to action at the end. This is an overt call to action that is noticeable and doesn’t take the reader out of the flow of the story. The call to action could be something as simple as including a website where the reader can learn more or it could be designed to collect e-mail addresses. The key is that it shouldn’t be hidden and that the reader knows exactly what will happen if they click on it.

Don’t Forget The Cover

The cover of your book is an important part of its overall design, so take a little time to plan it out. While you’re at it, you can also include a flap on the back so that readers can easily remove the book from its plastic cover and get started reading. This will make them want to read your book right away, so be sure to include a summary of the story on the back cover. Something as simple as, “This is the story of Jack and Jane, a couple who decided to elope and were married in the Bahamas.”

Once you’ve written your book, you’ll need to work on getting the right cover designed. There are plenty of graphic designers out there who can help you make your dream book cover, so be sure to ask around for some professional advice. You’ll also need to consider if the cover design you choose is going to be appropriate for print or digital reading.

Epublishing has changed the game for writers. It’s simple, fast, and relatively inexpensive to have your own book published. With just a few guidelines and a lot of brainstorming, you can have an entire book series ready to go live in just a few days. If you’re looking for a new way to share your content with the world, then consider making the switch to ebooks.